
Displaying 4171 - 4180 of 14435

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

In this webinar hosted by the Center for the Study of Social Policy, experts discussed how family support professionals and organizations have adapted to serve families during the COVID-19 outbreak, and what we are learning that we will carry forward from this time.

UNICEF Cambodia,

This video from UNICEF Cambodia, in the Khmer language, explores children protection case management during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stephanie Anne Deutsch, Jennifer Donahue, Trenee Parker, Jobayer Hossain, Allan De Jong - The Journal of Pediatrics,

The objective of this study was to assess factors impacting child-welfare involvement and child abuse and neglect outcomes among prenatally substance-exposed infants.

Kathleen Stevenson - Nursing Management of Pediatric Disaster,

Reunification of families after a large disaster can be a major concern if strategies to mitigate the issues have not been incorporated into local, regional, state, tribal, and federal planning for such an event.

Alana Hu, Mark J. Van Ryzin, Maria L. Schweer-Collins, Leslie D. Leve - Child Maltreatment,

The authors of this study analyzed data from a randomized clinical trial of the middle school version of the Keep Safe intervention - an intervention that targets delinquent peer affiliation - in a sample of girls in foster care. The researchers found that the middle school Keep Safe intervention shows promise as a preventative intervention for reducing affiliation with delinquent peers, which importantly is associated with adolescent delinquent behavior.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF and the International Federation of Social Workers,

This webinar focused on the newly released technical note on Social Service Workforce Safety and Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Response.

Sirin Kale - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian describes the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on international surrogacy arrangements, including the parents, surrogates, and the babies they are or were carrying.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF and the International Federation of Social Workers,

This webinar will focus on the newly released technical note on Social Service Workforce Safety and Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Response.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

Join this webinar for a conversation about how family support professionals and organizations have adapted to serve families during the COVID-19 outbreak, and what we are learning that we will carry forward from this time.

Susan D. Stewart & Elcy E. Timothy - Journal of Family Issues,

This paper provides a summary of laws, policies, and programs pertaining to stepfamilies in a selection of Western countries, with a special focus on the United States.