
Displaying 4761 - 4770 of 14435

Svetlana Yampolskaya, John Robst, Mary I. Armstrong - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this paper is to examine child characteristics and child welfare services associated with high welfare costs in the US, defined as the top decile of child welfare costs.

Amanda Keller, Melanie Doucet, Jennifer Dupuis, Jessica Dupuis, and Varda R. Mann-Feder - International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies,

This report describes the evolution of an independent youth-led organization for youth in and from care in Quebec, Canada

Marina S. Sletten & Ingunn T. Ellingsen - Child & Family Social Work,

In this paper, the authors examine how standardized tools, in this case, a standardized parenting programme and a standardized Norwegian assessment tool, influence professional roles as experienced by child welfare workers (CWS professionals) in Norway.

UK Department for Education,

"Putting children under the age of 16 in unregulated accommodation will become illegal, under new plans announced today by Education Secretary Gavin Williamson to drive up the quality of children’s social care," says this press release from the UK Department for Education.

Rockefeller Foundation, Daniel Schwartz, and the Miracle Foundation,

This report provides an overview of a February 2020 meeting - hosted by the Rockefeller Foundation, Daniel Schwartz, and the Miracle Foundation - held in Bellagio, Italy focused on a cross sectoral ‘outside look in’ examination of the issue of children’s care.

Empowering People in Care (EPIC),

This Podcast series explores the experiences of people who grew up in the care system from all over the world. It is presented by a care-leaver Thomas Mongan and an Advocate Peter Lane.

Wendy Sims-Schouten - The Conversation,

In this article for the Conversation, Wendy Sims-Schouten describes her research looking at how the Victorian idea of who does and doesn’t deserve help from the state persists in the modern era, including how some children are considered "problematic" and beyond help.

Eli Hager - The Marshall Project,

This article from the Marshall Project describes how thousands of U.S. children are removed from their homes each year to be placed in foster care for only a few days and later returned to their families.

UNICEF Moldova,

Under the Supervision of the Child Protection Specialist, the Child Protection Officer supports the development and preparation of the Child Protection programme(s) and is responsible for the management, implementation, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation of the child protection programmes/projects within the country programme.


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to conduct a review of the implementation of the 2018-2022 UNICEF Pacific Multi-Country Child Protection Programme, including achievements and challenges, before the programme continues to expand.