
Displaying 4931 - 4940 of 14437

Katie Albertson, Julia M. Crouch, Wadiya Udell, Allison Schimmel‐Bristow, Jessica Serrano, Kym R. Ahrens - Child & Family Social Work,

For this study, the researchers conducted 11 semistructured focus groups with 86 foster and kinship caregivers in three child welfare jurisdictions to understand their strategies for monitoring and communicating with youth in foster care around sexual health topics, with the overall goal of developing a training for caregivers to reduce STI and unintended pregnancies among youth in foster care.

Susan Friedman & Amy Lynch - The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development,

This article explores the impact of preadoption history upon physical, mental, emotional, cognitive, and developmental well‐being of children and the need for adoptive parents, medical and mental health professionals, and schools to understand these impacts.

Joanne Lu - NPR,

This article from NPR describes the growing global movement to move away from orphanage care for children, and discourage orphanage visits and volunteering which often drives the separation of children from their families.


The Partnerships Plus project invites qualified local and/or U.S.-based organizations, private voluntary organizations, non-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations, or universities to submit a Concept Paper as a first step in a competitive process to support the achievement of the Objectives established in the U.S. Government strategy, Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity: A U.S. Government Strategy for International Assistance (APCCA).


The Partnerships Plus project invites qualified local and/or U.S.-based organizations, private voluntary organizations, non-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations, or universities to submit a Concept Paper as a first step in a competitive process to support the achievement of the Objectives established in the U.S. Government strategy, Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity: A U.S. Government Strategy for International Assistance (APCCA).

Peejay Bengwasan & Mari Erika Joi F. Bancual - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explores the development of abused children in different areas. Likewise, it looks into differences of the level of development in relation to age, gender and type of abuse.

Jacquelyn K. Mallette, Lindsey Almond, Hannah Leonard - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative study examines the challenges foster caregivers face within their families and seeks to understand their formal and informal support systems so that future trainings may be created to provide for the specific and realistic needs of foster caregivers.

Adena A. Hoffnung Assouline & Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines the link between perceived staff social support and emotional and behavioral adjustment difficulties of adolescents in educational residential care settings (RCSs) designed for youth from underprivileged backgrounds in Israel.

Kyunghee Lee - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study examined the long-term effects of the Head Start early childhood program on foster children's developmental outcomes from ages 3–4 to 8–9.

Jason Warick - CBC News,

New federal legislation in Canada now allows First Nations to take control of their own child welfare, and the Saskatchewan First Nations organization is now asking the federal government to transfer funds to First Nations agencies, allowing them to set up and run high quality services in their own communities, according to this article from CBC News.