
Displaying 5001 - 5010 of 14437

Н.А. Иванова - Актуальные проблемы государства и права,

Целью является исследование особенностей правового регулирования договорной опеки (попечительства) над несовершеннолетними детьми в современной России.

Robert Porter, Miriana Giraldi and Fiona Mitchell - CELCIS,

This review seeks to provide an overview of the existing research on residential care, including the function of residential care, what facilitates 'quality' care in residential care, and what effect residential care has upon outcomes for children and young people.

Kiran Modi, Lakshmi Madhavan, Leena Prasad, Gurneet Kalra, Suman Kasana, and Sanya Kapoor - International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies,

This paper is a condensed version of a study entitled “Beyond 18: Leaving Child Care Institutions - Supporting Youth Leaving Care: A Study of Aftercare Practices in Five States of India”, which found that upon turning 18, youth transitioning out of child care institutions to independent life in India experience many challenges, such as securing housing and identity documents; accessing education, skill development,  and employment opportunities; and garnering psychosocial support.

Lisa Dickens and Adrian van Breda - Girls and Boys Town South Africa In partnership with the Department of Social Work and Community Development, University of Johannesburg,

This report presents the latest findings from the Growth Beyond the Town Girls and Boys Town South Africa (GBTSA)/University of Johannesburg (UJ) joint partnership longitudinal research study. Presented are the findings from 150 participants who were interviewed as they disengaged from GBTSA, as well as the outcomes of many of these care-leavers that have been measured each year during follow-up interviews.

Jade Purtell, Philip Mendes - Monash University Department of Social Work,

This is the final report of the evaluation of the Salvation Army Westcare Continuing Care Program, which aimed to provide relationship-based support to assist the planning, preparation and support needs of young people during their transition from out-of-home care (OOHC) to independent living.

Kshipra Marathe - Counsel to Secure Justice,

This knowledge resource discusses and provides examples of practice tools and calming techniques (in English and Hindi) which counsellors and adults can use while working with children who are in institutional care. The paper reviews evidence on the impact of institutionalisation on children as well as evidence-based interventions that can help mitigate this impact.

Joan Llosada-Gistau, Gemma Crous, Carme Montserrat - Social Work & Society,

In this article, the authors aim to examine in greater depth aspects that have an influence on the lives of the in-care population.

UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti,

This publication from UNICEF showcases 18 reports from 2020 with a high potential for impact on policies and programmes that benefit children, including a report on deinstitutionalization in Bulgaria, a report on unaccompanied minors in Italy, and more.

Tadele Zebrea, Belay Tefera, and Bhatara Mohit - European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple-P) in enabling mothers to manage stress related to parenting a child with intellectual disability (ID).


This exploratory research led by Kindernothilfe between May – July 2020 shows how the challenges facing working children and their families have been exacerbated since the outbreak and it presents their recommendations for effective and relevant responses to the pandemic.