
Displaying 5011 - 5020 of 14437

Jessica K. Heldman, Margaret A. Dalton, Robert C. Fellmeth - San Diego Law Review,

This article explores the current state of child rights within the U.S. child welfare, juvenile justice, and special education systems, highlighting concerns that pre-date COVID-19 as well as recent legal implications of the pandemic.

Kele Stewart and Robert Latham - Fordham Urban Law Journal,

Focusing on three critical facets of the U.S. child welfare system — reporting and investigating maltreatment, placement and other system metrics, and permanency — this Essay explores how the pandemic impacts the child welfare system and how the system should respond.

Christina Wilson Remlin, Madeleine MacNeil Kinney, Daniele Gerard, Daniel Adamek - Children's Rights,

This report was developed with extensive input from LGBTQ+ young people currently or formerly in foster care, LGBTQ+ young people currently or formerly experiencing homelessness, and direct service workers. It identifies how the pandemic is amplifying some of the risks for LGBTQ+ youth in child welfare systems and propose practices to mitigate them.

Service Social International,

Through the analysis of over twenty country contexts, this study aims at clarifying in particular: Where does kafalah originate from? What are its characteristics in different States, and how is it recognised or enforced in another State?

International Social Service/International Centre of Reference for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family,

Through the analysis of over twenty country contexts, this study aims at clarifying in particular: Where does kafalah originate from? What are its characteristics in different States, and how is it recognised or enforced in another State?

Monica Stănescu and Gabriela Tomescu - Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience,

The paper aims to make a systematic analysis of the literature that addresses the relationship between dance and multiple intelligences in order to identify the main theoretical aspects that underpin the design and implementation of educational interventions for institutionalised children to learn dance.

Maria Lotty - Relational Child and Youth Care Practice,

This paper examines the implications of trauma-informed care research recently carried out in Ireland.

Sanfelici, Mara; Mordeglia, Silvana - Relational Social Work,

This article describes the development of an information system, built in order to monitor the data gathered in the context of a pilot project for early child protection interventions with unaccompanied minors.

Saarna Liis,

This article describes the system of training and support of foster carers and adoptive parents in Estonia.

Generations United,

This toolkit is designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies and nonprofit organizations, so they can better serve all African American grandfamilies.