
Displaying 5861 - 5870 of 14440

Robin Sen & Calum Webb - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article draws on national data and quantitative data from a study of ‘City’, a local authority in the north of England with a large Family Group Conference service.

Hanita Kosher & Asher Ben‐Arieh - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper presents findings from a study conducted among 151 Israeli social workers, examining their perceptions on children's participation.

Beth Tarleton and Pauline Heslop - Qualitative Social Work,

This paper describes one researcher’s reflections about their own engagement with participants of an evaluation of a parenting course.

Jesse J. Helton, Yit Mui Khoo, Cara L. Wallace, Ashley Whitehead, Caroline Kebbe - Child & Family Social Work,

This study examined foster parent physical and mental health over time.

Mariela Neagu, Judy Sebba - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article explores how the type of placement in children's social care influences identity formation and contact with the birth family. It draws on 40 life history interviews with Romanian-born, care experienced young people who entered adulthood from different types of placement: 16 from residential care, eight from foster care, seven from domestic adoption and nine from intercountry adoption.

Julia Lindau, Hind Hassan, and Joe Hill - Vice News Tonight,

This article and corresponding video from Vice News explores the orphanage industry in Uganda.

The Global Breastfeeding Collective (led by UNICEF and WHO),

The Breastfeeding Advocacy Toolkit (the Toolkit) is intended to ensure stakeholders are able to easily access and use advocacy tools aimed at improving policies and financing for the protection, promotion, and support of breastfeeding. 

UN Secretary-General,

The present comprehensive report from the UN Secretary-General covers all aspects of the implementation of the Resolution on the Protection of Migrants. The report recognizes that immigration detention "is not in the best interests of the child and is a child rights violation" and notes the need to protect and assist migrants in vulnerable situations, including children.

Elisa Romano, Jessie Moorman, Véronique Bonneville, Carl Newton, Robert Flynn - Developmental Child Welfare,

The current study examines past adverse experiences and current functioning of adolescent males in out-of-home care, relying on data from the Assessment and Action Record—second Canadian version for a representative sample of 508 12- to 17-year-olds in out-of-home care across the province of Ontario (Canada).

Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

This toolkit contains caseworker forms for: conducting child and family assessments, consent and assent from caregivers and children, case planning, placement of children and young adults, monitoring, case reviews, case closures, referrals, caregiver and child feedback, and more.