
Displaying 5871 - 5880 of 14440

Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

This Facilitator’s Guide is for use by the varied facilitators of the 'Promoting Family- or Community-Based Care Using a Case Management Approach Workshop,' including national and county trainer of trainers from Kenya's Department of Children's Services, and trained staff from other care reform partners.

Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

This guide provides an overview of the principles and practices of case management for reunification and placement of children outside of parental care (e.g., children from Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCIs) and Statutory Children’s Institutions (SCIs) , and street-connected children) into family- and community-based care in Kenya.

Dr Chrissie Gale - CELCIS,

The purpose of this short paper is to contribute evidence regarding the situation of children without parental care and suitability of alternative care.

Save the Children,

This report presents findings from a mapping of the relevant means of holding actors accountable for violations committed against children by assessing the child protection-relevant accountability mechanisms in situations of armed conflict in Africa.

UNICEF Costa Rica y Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI),

Este diagnóstico tiene análisis del progreso de Costa Rica en la implementación de las Directrices sobre las modalidades alternativas de cuidado de los niños.

Foro de Presidentes y Presidentas de Poderes Legislativos de Centroamérica y la Cuenca del Caribe (FOPREL),

El objeto que tiene la «Ley Marco Regional» es crear un marco jurídico y rector que contribuya a una migración segura, ordenada y regular, basada en el respeto, garantía y realización efectiva de los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes en todas las fases del proceso migratorio en el contexto de la migración, con especial atención a poblaciones en condiciones de vulnerabilidad, en la región de Centroamérica, la Cuenca del Caribe y México.

Jacqui Nicklin - The University of Western Australia,

This qualitative research asked case managers in the Western Australia's child protection system what contributed to timely reunification of children with their families, a recent policy goal.

Winarini W. Mansoer, Raissa Dwifandra Putri, Nessi Sulaiman - Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,

The aim of the present quantitative study is to examine how perceived maternal acceptance-rejection contributes to the risk of mental illness in orphaned adolescents.

International Child Development Initiatives & Save the Children International,

The purpose of the review, developed by International Child Development Initiatives, was to present an overview of (as much as possible) evidence-based promising practices in Family Strengthening interventions in Cambodia, implemented by FCF|REACT partners.

Cherish How & Jariah Mohd Jan - Journal of Language Studies,

This qualitative study uses speech act categories and stages of concern to examine the voices of concern, of teachers and caregivers towards the academic performance of foster children in Malaysia.