
Displaying 5911 - 5920 of 14440

Jason Brown, Aamena Kapasi, Samantha Weindels, Vanessa Eyre - Contemporary Family Therapy,

Peer support is a form of support where foster parents connect formally with other foster parents with experience who can provide knowledge, emotional and practical help. The purpose of the present study was to identify what the needs are of foster parents in that peer support role from the views of peer support volunteers themselves.

Anna Gupta & Brid Featherstone - Child & Family Social Work,

This article explores the findings of a study on the role of the social worker in adoption with a focus on ethics, concentrating on the perspectives of adopted people, birth parents, and adoptive parents.

Tyrone C. Cheng, Celia C. Lo - Child Maltreatment,

This secondary analysis of data describing 3,035 parents, drawn from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II, identified factors fostering the collaborative alliance of parents and caseworkers within the child welfare system.

The Guardian,

According to this article from the Guardian, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has reported that over 900 children have been separated from their families at the US border with Mexico after a judge's order last year "that the practice be sharply curtailed."

John Coleman - Child & Family Social Work,

In this article [from the Child & Family Social Work special issue on teenagers in foster care], the author reviews a range of theoretical and practical issues that are relevant to the foster care of teenagers.

Lucie Shuker & Jenny Pearce - Child & Family Social Work,

Using evidence from the evaluation of specialist foster care provision and a child sexual exploitation (CSE) training course for foster carers, this paper [from the Child & Family Social Work special issue on teenagers in foster care] considers how training might be used to widen the pool of potential foster carers for children affected by CSE and identifies qualities displayed by effective carers.

Gillian Schofield, Jeanette Cossar, Emma Ward, Birgit Larsson, Pippa Belderson - Child & Family Social Work,

This open access paper [from the Child & Family Social Work special issue on teenagers in foster care] reports on findings from the first study of LGBTQ young people in care in England and focuses on the nature of foster carers' experiences and perspectives on caring for LGBTQ young people.

Jim Wade - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper [from the Child & Family Social Work special issue on teenagers in foster care] reports findings from the first UK study into the experiences of unaccompanied asylum‐seeking young people in the UK, describing issues arising from initial assessment and preparation for fostering and the ways in which young people and foster carers adjusted to their lives together.

Jan Storø, Yvonne Sjöblom, Ingrid Höjer - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this article [from the Child & Family Social Work special issue on teenagers in foster care] is to account for and discuss support to young care leavers within the comparable welfare regimes of Norway and Sweden and to explore key differences between these 2 countries.

Mike Stein - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper explores practice examples relating to young people's transitions from care to adulthood.