
Displaying 6141 - 6150 of 14471

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This report from SOS Children's Villages describes the Leaving Care Project, a project that was set up to develop and implement a state-of-the-art training programme for care professionals who work directly with young people leaving care in order to equip them with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to work with young people in transition.

Carlota Nelson, Genesis Foundation,

Through interviews with cutting edge researchers, scientists, economists, families and educators, this film explores the so called “miracle years”, a critical period of our lives that no one remembers, in a profound new way – emphasizing how the first few years are the greatest opportunity we have to give children the best start in life.

Kerith J. Conron, Bianca D.M. Wilson - The Williams Institute, School of Law, University of California, Los Angeles,

This report from t he Williams Institute is a collection of working papers focused on understanding what we know and what we need to better understand about the lives and outcomes of system-involved youth who are both LGBTQ and racial/ethnic minorities, including those involved in the US child welfare system.

Child Rights Now! - Joining Forces,

This report reviews the situation of vulnerable children and children's rights and concludes with a call to action to improve the lives of children. The report includes a section on children in vulnerable family settings, including a brief case study on deinstitutionalization in Romania and the problems that persist there.

Alessio Fasulo & Paolo Howard - Save the Children Italy,

The general objective of the project "Children Come First: Intervention at the border" is to strengthen the system of protection and reception of migrant children arriving in Italy, whether they are separated or accompanied by their parents. In this final dossier, a balance sheet of the intervention has been drawn up and it focuses on the evolution of migration flows of unaccompanied foreign minors over the past two years.

Udayan Care, Tata Trusts & UNICEF,

“Current Aftercare Practices” (CAP) is a documentation exercise designed to look at the support and services received by CLs from the objective lens of an ‘Aftercare Quality Index’(AQI), calculated using the scores within 8 domains. This report covers a total of 98 young adults from Rajasthan, comprising of 40 males and 58 females CLs, from both Government and NGO-run Child Care Institutions (CCIs) and 17 youth who, as children, availed the benefits under the Palanhar scheme of the Rajasthan Government.

Hui, Yat Man Louise; Stevenson, Julie; Gallego, Gisselle - Australian Journal of Child and Family Health Nursing ,

This descriptive study portrays a sample of children from Chinese migrant families residing in western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, whose parents temporarily relinquished their care to grandparents in China.

Sankaran, Vivek; Church, Christopher; Mitchell, Monique - Marquette Law Review,

This article from Marquette Law Review focuses on how children and parents interacting with the child welfare system in the US experience the removal process, the genesis of a foster care case.


In words, images, facts and figures, this report details the results that UNICEF achieved in 2018, together with its generous partners and supporters, a dedicated global workforce and children and young people themselves.

Robin Mauney, Rachan Srun - Plan International,

The purpose of this study is to better understand how gender inequality impacts the Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms in Cambodia, its child clubs and caregiver groups and how programming should be targeted to being gender transformative – changing social norms that promote gender inequality.