
Displaying 6971 - 6980 of 14477

Clive Diaz, Hayley Pert, Nigel Thomas - Adoption & Fostering,

This article discusses a key meeting for children in care – the Child in Care Review – and examines the extent to which children and young people are able to participate and exert a level of control over their lives. The research, conducted in England, formed part of a wider exploration of the views and experiences of all those involved in such reviews, namely Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs), social workers, senior managers and – the focus of this article – the young people concerned.

Emma Adams, Alexander R Hassett, Virginia Lumsden - Adoption & Fostering,

This review synthesises and evaluates the current empirical evidence on the causes and consequences of stress experienced by foster carers and the factors that lessen or increase it.

Tuuli Lamponen, Tarja Pösö, Kenneth Burns - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper presents a qualitative analysis of front‐line practices regarding emergency removals in Finnish and Irish child protection.

Cebu Daily News,

The Senate of the Philippines has approved a measure that would simplify the adoption process in the country, according to this article from Cebu Daily News. 

Panchali Datta(Pal), Sutapa Ganguly, B. N. Roy - International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,

A cross-sectional comparative descriptive study was conducted among 300 children of age 6-12 years from a pediatric outpatient department of a selected hospital and 300 children from selected orphanages in Kolkata to compare the prevalence of behavioral disorders in children under parental care and out of parental care using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).

United Nations,

The Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration takes place in Marrakech, Morocco on the 10th and 11th of December, 2018.

David Chenot, Amy D. Benton, Michelle Iglesias, Ioakim Boutakidis - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study is to explore child welfare workers' perspectives on ethnic matching in child welfare service delivery.

Helen Baldwin, Nina Biehal, Linda Cusworth, Jim Wade, Victoria Allgar, Panos Vostanis - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This research investigated the association between care placement and the presence of child mental health problems after controlling for children’s pre-care experiences. It also identified factors associated with mental health problems among children in care in the UK.

Elizabeth K. Anthony, Judy Krysik, and Cara Kelly - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study examined the use of socio-emotional well-being measures among a sample of 57 children and youth living in a congregate care type setting such as a group home or shelter.

Tabea Symanzik, Arnold Lohaus, Ann-Katrin Job, Sabrina Chodura, Kerstin Konrad, Nina Heinrichs, Vanessa Reindl - Mental Health & Prevention,

This paper focuses on the longitudinal examination of perceived reactive attachment disorder (RAD) symptoms and indiscriminate, insecure and pseudomature behavior in foster children, many of them having experienced maltreatment and neglect in the family of origin.