
Displaying 7251 - 7260 of 14477

Megan Wingfield & Ben Gurney-Smith - Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

This study aimed to understand the experience of adoptive parents who have completed dyadic developmental psychotherapy (DDP) therapy.

Teresa Wiltz - Huffington Post,

"One in five children being raised by extended family members [in the US] — grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins — live in an immigrant household, more than half a million children, a new report shows," says this article from the Huffington Post. 

UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, CPC Learning Network, The World Bank, The Transfer Project and The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This webinar reviews some of the new and ongoing work conducted under the Transfer Project, a multi-organizational research and learning initiative. The first presentation will summarize findings from recent reviews published on understanding linkages and impacts of cash transfers and social safety nets on intimate partner violence and violence against children in low- and middle income settings.

Kwabena Frimpong-Manso - Emerging Adulthood,

This study from the journal of Emerging Adulthood shares positive stories of care leavers and explores the factors that promote the successful transition to emerging adulthood for care leavers in Ghana.  

Salas, María D.; Bernedo-Muñoz, Isabel Maria; Fernández-Baena, Francisco Javier; García-Martín, Miguel Ángel; Fuentes-Rebollo, María Jesús - Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Málaga,

The present study analyzes the opinions of birth families, foster families and social workers responsible for supervising contact visits regarding the benefits and problems associated with contact visits.

Sophie T. Hébert, Tonino Esposito, Sonia Hélie - Children and Youth Services Review,

In the present study, the authors examined the effects of two types of initial short-term placements: emergency placements (lasting 1 to 5 days) and provisional placements (lasting 6 to 60 days) on the risks of re-entry into care in the four years following reunification.

Tina Rosenberg - The New York Times,

This opinion piece from the New York Times presents alternatives to volunteering in, or donating to, orphanages.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Catherine Douillet - Journal of European Studies,

According to some estimates, a third of the adult Moldovan population is working abroad, often ‘leaving behind’ children in the care of relatives, neighbours or in orphanages. This paper from the Journal of European Studies investigates how such high migration rates affect Moldovan family life and personal definitions of identity and success.

BBC News,

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has issued an apology to those who suffered child sexual abuse in institutions around the country, according to this article from BBC News.