
Displaying 7281 - 7290 of 14477

National Family Support Network, Center for the Study of Social Policy - Strengthening Families, Greater Cleveland Family Strengthening Network,

The Together for Families Conference is a unique new opportunity to gather various stakeholders from across the U.S. in the Family Support and Strengthening Field.

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Maya Alleruzzo - AP,

This photo essay from the Associated Press draws attention to the children living in Iraq's orphanages.

Gemechu Shiferaw, Lemi Bacha, and Dereje Tsegaye - Hindawi Psychiatry Journal,

The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among orphans in Ilu Abba Bor Zone orphanages, 2016.

Lisa Dickens & Peter Marx - Emerging Adulthood,

This article describes and compares the Not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEET) and Education, Employment, and Training (EET) status of care leavers from Girls and Boys Town after 1 and 2 years and in relation to other outcomes.

Brenda Twea - The Nation,

This article describes some of the hardships faced by orphaned children in Malawi, including the harms and stigma of being placed in an orphanage, and the need for reform in the care system in the country.

The Chronicle of Social Change,

This project attempts to put numbers on the foster care capacity in each state in the US.

Parsons, Sarah, McCullen, Alice, Emery, Tracey and Kovshoff, Hanna - British Educational Research Journal,

This study sought to find out the current numbers of autistic Looked-After children formally recorded across local authorities in England, and whether their needs are given special attention via strategic planning and oversight, using Freedom of Information (FoI) requests sent to all local authorities in England.

The Alliance & INEE,

يعلن تحالف حماية الطفل في العمل الإنساني مع الشبكة الدولية للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ (Alliance) عن اجتماع طاولة مستديرة  مشترك في نيروبي, كينيا بتاريخ 15-16 تشرين الأول 2018  تحت عنوان "البرامج المتكاملة بين حماية الطفل و التعليم في الحالات الإنسانية".  وسيعقبه الاجتماع السنوي للتحالف، والاجتماع الذي يعقد كل عامين لـ (INEE) .في الفترة من 17 - 19 تشرين الأول

La Alianza para la Protección de la Niñez y Adolescencia en la Acción Humanitaria (la Alianza) y la Red Internacional para la Educación en Situaciones de Emergencia (INEE),

La Alianza para la Protección de la Niñez y Adolescencia en la Acción Humanitaria (la Alianza) y la Red Internacional para la Educación en Situaciones de Emergencia (INEE) organizaran una mesa redonda conjunta en Nairobi, Kenya, los días del 15 y 16 de octubre de 2018, titulado: 'Programación integrada para protección infantil y educación en contextos humanitarios'. la mesa redonda será seguida por la reunión anual de la Alianza y la reunión bianual de la INEE, del 17 al 19 de octubre de 2018.