
Displaying 7481 - 7490 of 14477

Mariana Incarnato, Andrés Segade, Leticia Ivonne López Villareal - Universidad de Monterrey Cátedra por la Infancia,

El objetivo del libro es posicionar regionalmente la situación de los egresados del sistema de protección, demostrando que en los países de latinoamérica hay miles de adolescentes y jóvenes que viven en dispositivos alternativos de cuidado y deben enfrentarse a un egreso de forma abrupta y muchas veces, no planificada.

Government of India, Ministry of Women and Child Development,

This National Mapping Exercise covering all Child Care Institutions(CCIs)/Homes in the country, except 34 CCIs/Homes in Uttar Pradesh, sheds light on the functioning of CCIs/Homes across the country, in the context of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015. The findings of this report are expected to provide necessary guidance to all stakeholders regarding improvements required in policy formulation and implementation in future.

Udayan Care,

This issue of the ICEB journal is a special edition on the aftercare concerns of young adults who leave the care of agencies and embark on a journey of their own.

UNICEF Cambodia,

The objective of this evaluation was to provide evidence that can help strengthen performance and accountability with UNICEF’s work with the Royal Government of Cambodia and the myriad other authorities and organizations involved in child protection.

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Elizabeth Yarrow & Dr Anna Mackin, with support provided by Soksan Tem & Phally Keo, on behalf of Coram International - UNICEF Cambodia,

This second volume of Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Children: A Formative Evaluation of UNICEF’s Child Protection Programme in Cambodia includes the annexes referred to in the first volume.

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Elizabeth Yarrow & Dr Anna Mackin, with support provided by Soksan Tem & Phally Keo, on behalf of Coram International - UNICEF Cambodia,

The objective of this evaluation was to provide evidence that can help strengthen performance and accountability with UNICEF’s work with the Royal Government of Cambodia and the myriad other authorities and organizations involved in child protection.

Simon Njoroge - Daily Nation,

This Op-Ed from Kenya's Daily Nation by Simon Njoroge paints a staggering picture of violations of human rights by child institutions.

Hayles, Olivia; Xu, Lihua; Edwards, Oliver W. - School Psychology Forum,

This study examines family structures and children's perceptions regarding family connectedness and perceived life satisfaction (LS) using a nationally representative U.S. sample of 926 students in grades 7–10.

Christine May - University of Surrey,

This thesis study aimed to explore what Looked After Children (LAC) value in their friendships in order to understand what support may help them gain the maximum benefits from these relationships.

Ashlee V Kitchenham and José F Domene - Asia Pacific Career Development Journal ,

In this systematic literature review, the authors explore the career development experiences of children and youth in care and their experiences following emancipation from care into independent living.