
Displaying 7621 - 7630 of 14477

Amy Strickler, Jennifer R. Mihalo, Karen L. Celedonia, Michael S. Kaelin - Child & Family Social Work,

This study aimed to examine the longitudinal changes treatment parents experience throughout preservice training and after a youth is placed in their home.

Elizabeth Bowen, Annahita Ball, Annette Semanchin Jones, Andrew Irish - Youth & Society ,

This qualitative study explored processes of resilience in the transition to adulthood for cross-systems youth aged 18 to 24.

Sylvana MCôté, Massimiliano Orri, Mikko Marttila, Tiina Ristikari - The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,

This study aimed to compare the rates of psychiatric diagnoses and criminal convictions in young adulthood (ages 18–25 years) among children who were first placed at ages 2–6 years with those of children who were not placed and who had similar sociodemographic and family characteristics.

Charles A Nelson - The Lancet,

This article explores the impacts of two common forms of early childhood adversity, maltreatment and placement in institutional care, on children's behavioral, psychiatric, and physical health into adulthood.

Ton Liefaard - International Human Rights of Children,

This chapter elaborates on the specifics of these two limbs of Article 37 Convention on the Rights of the Child, the core human rights provision for the protection of children deprived of liberty.

Kate Duthie - World Nomads,

"While there's little doubt, a traveler who signs up to help at an orphanage is intending to help the community and children, in reality, they could be helping an industry which takes advantage of the vulnerable," says this article from World Nomads.

David Crary  |  AP - Washington Post,

The government of Haiti has set out "to improve the deplorable status of the country’s children," through a partnership between the state child welfare agency and several international child-service organizations, by beginning to build a foster care system in the country, according to this article from the Washington Post.

World Vision UK,

This post from World Vision marks the launch of the new ‘Civil Society Compact' (CSO Compact), which "sets out a pathway for change to help eliminate orphanages worldwide."

Ernest Darkwah, Marguerite Daniel, Maxwell Asumeng - Occupational Health Science,

This study explored how organizational structure (dormitory vs family unit) and funding sources (government vs private) influence the work and health of individuals employed as caregivers in children’s homes in Ghana.

Shamra Boel-Studt, Lisa Schelbe, Megan Deichen Hansen, Lauren Tobia - Child & Youth Care Forum,

This mixed methods study examined elements of effective implementation and the effectiveness of an incentive program piloted in a group home serving adolescent boys.