
Displaying 8371 - 8380 of 14477

Tom Adams -,

Eighteen Korean-born adult adoptees in the United States plan to travel to South Korea during the Winter Olympics to meet with lawmakers about reforming adoption laws in the country, according to this article from 

Rebecca Plevin, The Desert Sun,

A Salvadoran couple in the United States face deportation and wonder what will happen with their three adopted daughters, all of whom are US-born, according to this article from the Desert Sun.

Ben Fox, Associated Press - ABC News,

According to this article from ABC News and the Associated Press, ten senators from the United States have called on the government of Haiti to shut down an orphanage where a number of children being adopted by US families were allegedly sexually abused.

Terre des Hommes Netherlands,

Terre des Hommes Netherlands has conducted this preliminary study to examine if there is evidence of Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) in Kenya.

Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and UNICEF Lebanon ,

This resource is designed to support PSS Facilitators to strengthen inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities in a range of PSS activities, including community based and focused activities.

Mariana Incarnato - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Flacso - Sede Académica Argentina,

El trabajo se centra en el análisis de las trayectorias de un grupo de 199 adolescentes y jóvenes que viven o han vivido institucionalizados por una medida excepcional de cuidado, en siete provincias argentinas.

Eunae Cho, Tammy D.Allen - Human Resource Management Review,

This paper from the Human Resource Management Review provides a typology that can be applied to the transnational family as a theoretical lens through which diverse forms of transnational families can be understood.

Sir Martin Narey and Mark Owers ,

This review analyzes and critiques the foster care system in England, offering recommendations for improving the system. 

Ontario Human Rights Commission,

This report explores the over-representation of Indigenous and Black children in the child welfare system in Ontario.

Joachim Theis - CPC Learning Network,

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the state of international children’s rights, to inform the discussions of a small group of specialists in August 2017, and to make a contribution to ongoing global discussions about child protection and children’s rights.