
Displaying 13871 - 13880 of 14518

Geoff Foster,

A study that looks at the response of faith-based organizations in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, and Uganda. The report contains statistical information, and details positive care practices to build on, and negative examples to avoid.

Davies & Lee: AIDS and Development Consulting,

A toolkit to support community based organizations in developing countries to design, manage and learn from their projects in a systematic way. It focuses on building understanding of the ‘project cycle’, and is primarily targeted for organizations working on issues related to HIV and AIDS.

International Social Service and International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A brief fact sheet that provides an overview of kinship care.

Julia Purcell,

Overview of social protection and welfare directions around the world, with recommendations for policies to protect vulnerable children and those affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.

John Williamson and Malia Robinson,

An evaluation of a programme in Sri Lanka that aimed to resettle and reintegrate children affected by armed conflict, prevent and respond to child abuse, and develop community based alternatives to institutional care.

John Williamson,

An updated list of literature and bibliographies concerning children and families affected by HIV/AIDS around the world. Most of the resources are focused on sub-Saharan Africa.

Denis Tindyebwa, Janet Kayita, Philippa Musoke, Brian Eley, Ruth Nduati, Hoosen Coovadia, Raziya Bobart, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha and Mary Pat Kieffer,

A practical resource handbook for health professionals. Topics covered include HIV epidemiology, preventing HIV infection, care of HIV-exposed or HIV-infected children, diagnosis and clinical staging of HIV infection, clinical conditions associated with HIV, antiretroviral therapy, adolescent issues, long-term and terminal care planning for children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families, counseling and psychosocial support, and nutrition.

Holt International Children's Services,

Recognition of the crises affecting children and a commitment to improving the lives of children.

International Save the Children Alliance,

Results of a survey examining the quality of institutional care in Sri Lanka. Highlights gaps in existing policies and procedures.

United Nations Secretary General,

The UN Study on Violence Against Children has been launched! The Violence Study explicitly identifies children living in institutional care as being at high risk for violence. Chapter three of the report contains a sub-section on children in care and justice systems.