
Displaying 13941 - 13950 of 14482

World Vision,

Report documenting participatory research conducted on violence against children affected by HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Particular focus on the stigmatisation and discrimination.

Jane Chege,

Assessment of pilot programs employing World Vision Community Care Coalition model in Uganda and Zambia.

Hugh Allen,

Summary and analysis of the status of the literature and reviews on economic strengthening and livelihood tools. Contains recommendations of best practices and guidelines on which tools work.

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Detailed guidance on implementation of programs for OVC care. Includes list of technical resource contacts. Complement to the World Vision ADP Toolkit for HIV/AIDS Programming.

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Comprehensive toolkit and resource pack for mobilising community-led OVC care. Includes detailed resources for training home visitors.

Judy El-Bushra and Ibrahim M. G. Sahl,

Examines the impact of war on gender relations. Discusses the role of gender relations in creating conflict.


Concise guide designed to aid the implementation of best practice principles concerning the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of child soldiers. Includes a risk-analysis matrix and a results-based grid for programme proposal evaluations.

Vera Chrobok,

Examines the planning, coordination, and early implementation of UNICEF’s programme to demobilize and reintegrate war-affected youth in the context of Afghanistan’s reconstruction process.

Jane Lowicki,

Discusses specific steps to expand on policy guidelines for youth protection and care. Includes list of additional practical resources.

United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee,

Comprehensive guidelines for dealing with the planning, establishment, and coordination of multisectoral interventions to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence.