
Displaying 321 - 330 of 14481

Agence France-Presse,

In Russia's Belgorod region, near the Ukrainian border, children are being evacuated by train after regional authorities announced 9,000 minors would be moved to other regions. The move follows weeks of deadly bombardment from Kyiv in the region, repeatedly targeted since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Abdullah Alrubaian, Norah Alkhateeb, Deborah Tamakloe,

The present qualitative study seeks to understand parents' perceptions of home or institutional care for children with disabilities. The study utilized an exploratory qualitative approach paradigm with five focus groups in the Qassim region of Saudi Arabia.

Lufuno Makhado, Ntsieni Stella Mashau,

This qualitative exploratory-descriptive study outlines alternative approaches to psychosocial support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in four municipalities of Vhembe district in Limpopo Province, South Africa, in the form of community-based interventions.

Y.G. Riemersma, A.E. Zijlstra, M.E. Kalverboer, W.J. Post, A.T. Harder,

The authors of this study aimed to gain insight into the perceived living environment in different residential youth care settings from the perspectives of 26 youth, 14 parents, and 35 professionals in the Netherlands.

Jocelyn Jones, Hannah McGlade, Sasha Moodie - The Conversation,

The 1997 Bringing Them Home report into the removal of Aboriginal children from their families was a turning point in Australia’s history. The inquiry rejected past government policies of assimilation and endorsed the importance of keeping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with their families.

Uduyan Care,

Niels Peter Rygaard, a leading child psychologist, sheds light on 'missing links' and growth-encouraging assessment methods in this episode of episode of Care Conversations: ICB Podcast. He explores the ways of connecting with children without parental care and ways to make small changes that create a large impact in the world of family strengthening and alternative care. 

Peter Appleton,

A valuable resource for practitioners, researchers and educators, this book puts forward a powerful case to think more broadly and flexibly about transition planning with care-leavers, placing the voices of young people at its heart. This book grew out of qualitative research interviews held with a small and diverse sample of young adults who were in the process of transitioning from out-of-home care (foster care, kinship care, or residential care) in London, England.

Christine Cocker, Dez Holmes, Adi Cooper,

This book sets out the case for Transitional Safeguarding, a new approach to protection and safeguarding designed to address the needs and behaviours of young people aged 15-24 who are falling between gaps in current global systems, with often devastating results. While the book addressed the gaps in the current system in the UK, the lessons have global application and the authors outlines how the specific needs of young people can be met through this approach.

Emily Baumgaertner - New York Times,

A federal judge is expected to rule soon on whether the government must provide shelter, food and medical care to minors while they await processing.

Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme pour les droits de l'homme,

Le présent rapport est soumis conformément à la résolution 52/39 du Conseil des droits de l'homme. Il donne un aperçu de la situation des droits humains en Haïti. La situation des droits humains en Haïti s'est fortement détériorée au cours de la période, principalement en raison de la violence endémique des gangs. Le rapport met en lumière les principaux développements liés aux institutions de l'État de droit, à la police, à la justice et au système pénitencier. Des progrès ont été réalisés dans ce domaine, mais des défis persistent.