
Displaying 431 - 440 of 14481

Carmit Katz, Afnan Attrash-Najjar, Kathryn Maguire-Jack, Natalia Varela, Sidnei Rinaldo Priolo-Filho, Annie Bérubé, Olivia D. Chang, Delphine Collin-Vézina, Ansie Fouché, Ma'ayan Jacobson, David Kaawa-Mafigiri, Nadia Massarweh,

The current international study sought to identify the experiences and responses of child protection professionals to child maltreatment during COVID-19.


The ISCI 2024 Conference on ‘Global Childhoods: Critical Perspectives Promoting Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Understandings’ seeks to examine government policies and programs that have succeeded in promoting the well-being of children.

Udita Iyengar, Jessica Heller-Bhatt,

This perspective piece considers the impact on infant and perinatal health in the context of COVID-19 with particular emphasis on relational dynamics and attachment assessments, using a case study of a foster carer and her child in an out-of-home-care placement. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for safeguarding the well-being of both caregivers and vulnerable children during this challenging time.

Birri O'Dea, Yvette Roe, Yu Gao, Sue Kruske, Carmel Nelson, Sophie Hickey, Adrian Carson, Kristie Watego, Jody Currie, Renee Blackman, Maree Reynolds, Kay Wilson, Jo Costello, Sue Kildea,

The objective of this study was to determine if an Indigenous-led, multi-agency, partnership redesign of maternity services at a maternity hospital in Brisbane, New Zealand would decrease the likelihood of Indigenous babies being removed at birth and being placed in out-of-home care..

Karen S Rotabi-Casares, Patricia F Fronek, Justin S Lee,

This article examines the adoption of Ukrainian children, by U.S. citizens as the Ukrainian government ceases adoptions of children during the chaos of war. Intercountry adoption dynamics are presented with data from 2021, prior to the conflict in 2022.

Save the Children,

The international Child Protection (CP) Technical Advisor (TA) ensures technical excellence to drive Child Protection impact for children in need across Ukraine. Within the overarching goal of preventing and addressing violations of children’s rights, the international CP TA leads the thematic portfolio of interventions aimed at preventing and responding to all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in Ukraine.

Lili Bayer - The Guardian,

The Hungarian president has announced her resignation over her decision to pardon a man convicted of helping cover up a sex abuse case at a children’s home as the controversy posed a challenge for Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán.


This publication is meant to guide the collection of reliable, internationally comparable data on key ECD indicators, the selection of which was informed by the Nurturing Care Framework.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

Dr. Charlyn Harper Browne, Senior Fellow at Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), will provide an overview of the newly released paper, "Expanding the Perspectives and Research Foundation for Strengthening Families and Youth Thrive," share updated definitions of the protective factors, and preview other new materials coming soon.

Elevate Children Funders Group,

Elevate Children Funders Group (ECFG) seeks a consultant to support the logistics coordination for our Annual General Meeting to be held 4-6 June 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. Local candidates will be prioritized.

Rolling review, applications due by 8 February 2024.