
Displaying 511 - 520 of 14481

Brenda E Bartelink, Diana Van Bergen, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Paul Vermeer, Sawitri Saharso,

This article analyzes ethical issues arising in transreligious foster care placements in relation to foster children’s needs regarding religious socialization and identification. Applying Urban Walker’s expressive-collaborative framework to 30 qualitative interviews with foster parents, foster children, parents, and professionals, the authors elaborate and apply a three-level reflection on Christian foster parents’ ethics of care in everyday practice of foster care.

Atamhi Cawayu, Hari Prasad Sacré,

This article analyses the search strategies of first families in Bolivia contesting the separation of their children through transnational adoption. These first parents’ claims to visibility and acknowledgement have remained largely ignored by adoption policy and scholarship, historically privileging the perspectives of actors in adoptive countries, such as adoptive parents and adoption professionals.

Caroline Andow,

Drawing on data generated through a substantial ethnography in one secure children's home in England, this paper uses Goffman's (1961) theorising as a conceptual lens to view the institution.

Lauren Novak - Adelaide Now,

Children as young as two are stuck living in state-run homes with paid carers despite a royal commission calling seven years ago for an end to the practice. Over the Christmas and New Year period there were hundreds of children living in these homes after being removed from unsafe families.

MGH Center for Global Health, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University, Harvard Global Health Institute,

The study is the first analysis of the medical records of children as young as six months old and a median age of nine years old detained between June 2018 and October 2020 at Karnes County Family Residential Center in Texas. The report documents evidence of mental and physical harm relating to inadequate and inappropriate medical care experienced by children during prolonged detention.

Amanda Klein-Cox, Angela Tobin, Ramona Denby,

Shared parenting, when adults collaborate in childrearing, is a practice of interest for children in out-of-home care. Yet, little is known about its feasibility and outcomes for kinship families who have preexisting relationships with birth parents. This article shares qualitative results from focus groups that explored participants’ experiences and attitudes toward shared parenting in the U.S.

Emily Tang, Amaranta D. de Haan, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Annemiek T. Harder,

Family-centred practice (FCP) has been suggested as a best practice for treating youth with emotional and behavioural difficulties in residential care. In this preregistered global systematic review, the authors examined how FCP is operationalized and measured in residential youth care and which family outcomes are associated with FCP.

Chiara Galli,

This chapter, which is part of the "Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration" reviews the literature on child migration, highlighting how children compare from adults in their migratory aspirations and migration decision-making, as well as in their experiences in receiving countries in the European and US contexts, where groups of children such as unaccompanied minors benefit from humanitarian protections unavailable to adults.

Sara Tiano - The Imprint,

Beginning this month, Washington officials have new authority to root out abuse and neglect of children housed in private boarding schools, residential treatment centers and the state’s school for the deaf. Senate Bill 5515 tasks the Department of Children, Youth and Families with investigating allegations and approving licenses for facilities that had previously been beyond the scope of the child welfare agency. 

Changing the Way We Care,

This learning document shares findings from care leaver-led research into the formation of care leaver networks.