
Displaying 641 - 650 of 14481

UNICEF - ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

This video explores why supporting kinship care is so important, and examines how to support kinship care using examples from government and NGOs in Zimbabwe.

Office of the High Commissioner For Human Rights,

The U.N. human rights chief on Friday called for an investigation into what he called Israel's use of "high-impact explosive weapons" in Gaza, which he said was causing indiscriminate destruction in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This webinar explores the existing evidence of the connections between climate change and risks to children’s protection and discuss the role that child protection actors and the wider humanitarian community can take to ensure the protection of children and well-being of children impacted by the climate crisis.

Collaborative on Global Children's issues,

During this webinar, participants explored the role of the Catholic Church in the separation of Indigenous children from their families and the long-lasting effect on Indigenous communities.

Bewunetu Zewude, Getnet Tadele, Kibur Engdawork, Samuel Assefa,

The purpose of this review was to describe in more detail the findings and range of research undertaken regarding the reintegration of children out of family-based care situations, thereby providing a mechanism for summarizing and disseminating research findings to policy makers, practitioners, and researchers who might otherwise lack time or resources to undertake such works themselves. The review has been undertaken with the motive of answering the question
of what is known from the existing empirical literature about the effectiveness and challenges of intervention programs that are meant to sustainably reintegrate children out of family-based care?

Bewunetu Zewude, Getnet Tadele, Kibur Engdawork, Samuel Assefa,

This scoping review aimed to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of reintegration interventions targeting children outside family-based care. It aims to provide service providers with concise evidence regarding the situations affecting the effectiveness of reintegrating vulnerable children into the community by reviewing the relevant empirical evidence. Unlike other related reviews that have dealt with reintegration practices in selected regions or a specific country alone the present study considered research undertaken in all regions of the world.

Collaborative on Global Children's issues,
  • Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST 

Sarah MacDonald, Rob Trubey, Jane Noyes, Soo Vinnicombe, Helen E. Morgan, Simone Willis, Maria Boffey, G.J. Melendez-Torres, Michael Robling, Charlotte Wooder, Rhiannon Evans,

This global systematic review incorporated a comprehensive search of available literature from 1990 and captures the extant literature relating to process evaluations for interventions which address care-experienced children and young people’s mental health and well-being, and is one of the first syntheses of process evaluations in social care.

European Commission,

This report is the Commission’s first annual enlargement report on Ukraine replacing the previous annual Association Implementation Reports. To complement its opinion on the membership application, the Commission published the analytical report on the acquis alignment of Ukraine in February 2023.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

On November 8th at 2:00 pm CET, the Alliance will host a global launch of the revised CPHA Competency Framework and the available tools to support its use by individual practitioners, teams and organisations.