
Displaying 1541 - 1550 of 14428

Santosh Sharma Poudel - The Diplomat,

At a parliament meeting on June 15, Nepal’s Law and Justice Minister Govinda Bandi announced that the government is preparing to lower the legal age of marriage.

Yasodha Maheshi Rohanachandraa, Kurukula Arachchige Sarangi Dilrukshi Nanayakkara, Santhrasulochana Vipulanandan,

There is evidence that children in residential care institutions (RCI) have higher rates of psychological problems, suicide and criminal behaviour. There is only one study in Sri Lanka which has examined the psychological well-being of children in RCIs. This study aims to provide further evidence to formulate policies related to the mental health of institutionalized children in the local context.

Emily Rian Saeteurna, Qi Wua, Natalia Vasiliou, Deborah Mabingani, Judy Krysika,

This U.S. based study systematically summarizes the effectiveness of peer parent programs in child welfare on case outcomes, specifically permanency, time-in-care, and re-entry post reunification.

INSPIRE, Columbia University,

Learn about evidence-based strategies and approaches to preventing and responding to violence against children. Whether you are a practitioner, policymaker, funder or someone who cares deeply about this issue, this course will strengthen your knowledge about forms of violence against children, how societal, community, and family-level factors affect violence, and how the evidence-based INSPIRE framework and strategies can help to end violence against children.

United Nations,

The Committee invites all relevant stakeholders, including States parties, right-holders under the Convention, principally persons with disabilities through their representative organizations, other civil society organizations, independent monitoring mechanisms, national human rights institutions, and Human Rights Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures mandate holders, to provide written submissions on the draft Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies by 30 June 2022.


Myanmar’s military junta is responsible for shocking violence against children caught up in the bloody aftermath of last February’s coup, a top independent Human Rights Council-appointed investigator said on Wednesday. 

Child Identity Protection,

The aim of this publication is to highlight the protective aspects related to the child’s identity rights, with a focus on the family relations element, as embedded in international, regional and national standards. The publication provides direction on how to build identity safeguards, drawing on past lessons and capitalising on current opportunities. To do this, the right to identity is explored through a range of examples of existing challenges, promising practices and testimonies.

Mehran Bhat - The Diplomat,

Rohingya Muslims, who fled Myanmar to escape persecution by the Myanmar military, have found little security in India.

Johan Vigne, Katherine Cocco, Brigid Kennedy Pfister - UNICEF,

This report presents key steps that the international community has taken to protect children in situations of armed conflict, with a specific focus on the Security Council-mandated Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) to document grave violations against children and to foster accountability by identifying perpetrators.

Lisa Schlein - Voice of America,

Geneva — The U.N. children's fund says more than 266,000 violations were committed against children in armed conflict between 2005 and 2020.