
Displaying 3111 - 3120 of 14432

Lynne McPherson, Meaghan Vosz, Kathomi Gatwiri, Natalie Parmenter, Noel Macnamara, Janise Mitchell, Joe Tucci - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article reports on a systematic scoping review which investigated research publications on participation in making life-impacting decisions by young people.

Mi-lan J. Woudstra, Rosanneke A. G. Emmen, Lenneke R. A. Alink, Lamei Wang, Marjolein C. E. Branger, Judi Mesman - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The authors of this study examined attitudes about child maltreatment in China and the Netherlands.

Alhassan Abdullah, Ebenezer Cudjoe, Susan Young, Anna W.M. Choi, Lucy P. Jordan, Marcus Y.L. Chiu, Clifton R. Emery - Child: Care, Health and Development,

In line with recent policy discussions on mechanisms to regulate informal kinship care practices, this study aimed to identify how the State could be involved in improving kinship care experience for children.

Cora Burnett - Cogent Social Sciences,

This paper examines the effects of Human Rights Education (HRE) on youth in the impoverished community of Trevo in Mozambique, particularly orphans and vulnerable youth.

UN Human Rights Council,

In the present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 74/133, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Najat Maalla M’jid, provides an overview of major initiatives and developments that sustain and scale up efforts to safeguard children’s freedom from violence and advance implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

James Gordon Rice, Helga Baldvins Bjargardóttir, and Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

This contribution is a collective re-analysis of three research projects in Iceland focused on parenting with a disability which draws upon data spanning a twenty-year period. The core purpose of these projects is to understand why parents with primarily intellectual disabilities encounter such difficulties with the child protection system.

Julie Shaw, Sarah Greenhow,

This book outlines the nature of contemporary children’s care sector in England, highlighting both the demographics of those currently in care and the nature of available provision. It provides an account of the issues facing children and young people in care in terms of their vulnerability to criminalisation and exploitation.

Mary Elizabeth Collins & Astraea Augsberger - Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice ,

This policy analysis examines the impact of COVID-19 policy guidance on the role of workers who provide outreach to transition-age care leavers.

Laura Navne and Marie Jakobsen - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies ,

This study investigates the extent and causes of child abandonment and various practices and services in relation to prevention of child abandonment in Denmark and other high-income countries.


El objetivo de esta contratación de un consultor/a es apoyar el Programa de Protección de UNICEF México en la implementación y seguimiento de las estrategias y acciones de cooperación en materia de cuidados alternativos para niños, niñas y adolescentes privados del cuidado familiar o en riesgo de perderlo, en coordinación con las autoridades nacionales y locales y otros actores relevantes.