
Displaying 3131 - 3140 of 14432

Victor Hsiao, Sunya Chen, Mellissa Withers - Journal of Health and Caring Sciences,

Thirteen youth from a group home in Taiwan for teenage boys in the foster care and juvenile justice systems participated in this yearlong study which utilized a strengths-based approach to examine resiliency, their needs, and sources of support. This article describes nine key lessons learned to keep at-risk youth at the center of future similar research studies through protecting, representing, and empowering them.

Rachael Knowles - National Indigenous Times,

"Victorian Minister for Child Protection Luke Donnellan announced $11.6 million for a national first pilot program which empowers Aboriginal-led teams to respond to child protection reports," says this article from the National Indigenous Times.


This brief article from UNICEF describes UNICEF's work with partners in Côte d’Ivoire to assist children on the move during the COVID-19 pandemic, "providing them with psychosocial support through counselling and drama therapy, as well as access to education, shelter, meals, clean water and sanitation facilities. UNICEF also works with partners to help reunite children on the move with their families."

Marisa Kwiatkowski - USA TODAY,

This article from USA Today shares the stories of international adoptees in the United States who grew up believing they were U.S. citizens, only to find that international adoption does not guarantee citizenship.

Montserrat Fargas-Malet and Dominic McSherry - Journal of Family Issues,

In this article, the authors describe young people’s emotional responses to birth family, and highlight implications for theory, research, and practice.

Victor Cebotari and Bilisuma B. Dito - Children and Youth Services Review,

Using survey data collected in 2010 from Ghanaian school children, this study investigates variations in children’s durable goods and private utilities when parents migrate internally or internationally compared to a control group of children who live with their parents.


This dialogue will enable experts to discuss key issues, challenges and actions for Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) and build a consensus regarding the annotated outline of the ECCE/Global Partnership Strategy (GPS) and its key components.

National Family Support Network,

This webinar sheds light on the often under-the-radar work and impact of more than 3,000 Family Resource Centers in the U.S.

Ripon Advance News Service,

The U.S. Global Child Thrive Act - which reauthorizes programs to provide assistance to orphans and other vulnerable children in developing countries for FY 2020 through FY 2025 - has been passed by both houses of the U.S. Congress on 8 December 2020, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and now awaits presidential signature to be signed into law, according to this article from the Ripon Advance.

End Violence Against Children,

This high-level event launched 'Together to #ENDviolence' – a global campaign and Solutions Summit Series to inspire the end violence community and catalyse the political and financial commitments needed to end violence against children at home, at school, online and within communities.