
Displaying 3641 - 3650 of 14435

Jennifer Rasell - Care of the State,

This chapter from Care of the State: Relationships, Kinship and the State in Children’s Homes in Late Socialist Hungary looks at child protection in Hungary from the 1950s to the 1980s, arguing that the organisational structures of state welfare bolstered parent-child ties yet restricted sibling relations.

Jennifer Rasell - Care of the State,

This introductory chapter presents the conceptual framework for the book 'Care of the State: Relationships, Kinship and the State in Children’s Homes in Late Socialist Hungary.'

Jennifer Rasell,

Care of the State blends archival, oral history, interview and ethnographic data to study the changing relationships and kinship ties of children who lived in state residential care in socialist Hungary.

Margareth S. Aritonang and Evi Mariani - The Jakarta Post,

A collaborative team between The Jakarta Post and Tirto.id have uncovered facts that confirm that both the state and the Catholic Church allowed a suspected child molester who was running an orphanage in Depok West Java "to walk free from police detention to celebrate Christmas, and a few months later set up a new orphanage and live among vulnerable boys again," according to this article from the Jakarta Post.

Nirvana Pillay - Social Dynamics ,

This paper explores kinship and other networks of support for young mothers and their babies after an unintended, ex-nuptial pregnancy in a resource-poor urban setting.

Thabile A Samboma - International Social Work,

This article explores the impacts of COVID-19 on children in Botswana, including an increase in the number of child sexual abuse cases, and highlights the need for a clear road map on the prevention and response of the child protection system in Botswana.

Dinara Babajanova - The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations,

This article discusses the issues of adoption, foster care and the appointment of guardians and trustees, as well as issues related to the upbringing of children deprived of parental care, innovations in family law and the placement of children deprived of parental care in Uzbekistan.

L. Embleton, P. Shah, A. Gayapersad, R. Kiptui, D. Ayuku & P. Braitstein - International Journal for Equity in Health,

This study sought to identify and understand how street-connected children and youth (SCY)’s social and health inequities in Kenya are produced, maintained, and shaped by structural and social determinants of health using the WHO conceptual framework on social determinants of health (SDH) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) General Comment no. 17.

Mirte S. L. Teunissen, Anouk Goemans, Frank van Holen, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Harold T. Nefs, Huub M. Pijnenburg, Harm Damen & Paul H. Vedder - Child & Youth Care Forum,

The present study uses concept mapping as an exploratory method, to identify themes that seem to be used by two groups of professionals in their judgement and decision making on reunification.


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to coordinate and lead regional data initiatives to shape the narrative in advocacy and programming for children on the move in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.