
Displaying 4051 - 4060 of 14435

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This brief describes some of the "compelling evidence that the foundations of lifelong health" are built in the early years of life, "with increasing evidence of the importance of the prenatal period and first few years after birth."

United Nations,

This UN brief examines the COVID-19 pandemic's threats to food security and nutrition of millions of people around the world and suggests three mutually reinforcing sets of priority actions to address the immediate, near- and medium-term needs to protect people during and beyond the crisis, and – ultimately – to reshape and build resilient food systems.

Save the Children,

This report finds that children in Uganda are increasingly vulnerable and at risk from an in crease in violence and abuse, stress, poverty, and hazardous coping strategies such as child labour and child marriage during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, vulnerable children have less support than usual. 

The Government of Kenya,

The vision of the National Prevention and Response Plan is to foster a society where all children live free of all forms of violence. Its goal is for all children in Kenya to be protected from physical, sexual and emotional violence, and for those children who experience violence to have access to care, support and services. It aims to reduce the prevalence of childhood violence – that is, a child experiencing at least one form of physical, emotional and sexual violence – by 40 per cent by 2024.


This report from ODI and UNICEF critically reviews the case for universal child benefits (UCBs). It seeks to contribute to a burgeoning and lively debate on the (potential) role of UCBs as a policy instrument in the pursuit of child poverty reduction and universal social protection.

The Lancet Global Health,

This editorial from The Lancet Global Health discusses the effect of COVID-19 on food insecurity, particularly for women and children.

Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN),

This one-page factsheet from Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) provides facts and information about COVID-19 and malnutrition.

UK Department for Education,

This advice seeks to support staff working in schools, colleges and childcare settings, to care for children in the safest way possible, focusing on measures they can put in place to help limit risk of the virus spreading within education and childcare settings. 

World Vision,

Based on World Vision's extensive experience working with children and families in crisis, this policy brief outlines recommendations to stakeholders, such governments, UN agencies, NGOs, and donors, and calls for the use of child-sensitive social protection in these stakeholder’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood,

This report presents the findings from a survey commissioned by the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) to get insights and share experiences on the situation of children and the status of early childhood development (ECD) as a result of COVID-19 and the resulting containment and risk mitigation measures being implemented in countries in Asia-Pacific region.