
Displaying 4541 - 4550 of 14435

Jennifer E Simpson - Adoption & Fostering,

This article contributes to the growing area of research appertaining to the use of mobile communication devices and the internet by children in care in order to maintain contact with family and friends. It is based on a triadic method of semi-structured interviews with 12 young people and their foster carers and social work practitioners.

Veena Meetoo, Claire Cameron, Alison Clark, Sonia Jackson - Adoption & Fostering,

Using an ethnographic approach including interviews, walks, observation and photomap making, this article reports on the findings from a unique pilot study of the social and educational lives of young foster children (aged 0‒4) in an inner London borough.

Louise Tickle - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian explores some of the ways in which children in care and other vulnerable children in the UK are at greater risk in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

Using an ethnographic approach including interviews, walks, observation and photomap making, this article reports on the findings from a unique pilot study of the social and educational lives of young foster children (aged 0‒4) in an inner London borough.

Peter Nelson, Catherine Homer, Richard Martin - Adoption & Fostering,

The study reported here was undertaken as part of a children’s health needs assessment in an English local authority. It sought to understand why looked after children experience such high levels of poor mental health and make growing demands on therapeutic services.


Sharing Ideas that Strengthen Families and Engage Communities to Promote Child Well-Being will bring together policy, research, and practice professionals from child- and family-serving systems in the United States and other countries, as well as youth, caregivers, and community partners, to share and advance more effective family supports and systems of care for children and families in the 21st century.

The Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

On this webpage, CAFO has created a central place to collect information that might be helpful to members of the faith community as they advocate for children and families in their communities.

Claire Cameron, Veena Meetoo, Thure Johansen, Sonia Jackson - Child & Family Social Work,

Building on an earlier pilot study where foster carers of young children saw education as something that largely happens outside the home, this paper presents a knowledge exchange project that aimed to build foster carers' self‐concept as educators.

Consortium for Street Children,

This resource from the Consortium for Street Children aims to answer the questions of those who work with street-connected children in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

Xiaoyu Lan & Wenchao Wang - Current Psychology,

The present research contains two studies: in Study 1 the authors compared prosocial behavior between emerging adults with left-behind experience (EA-LB) and their non-left-behind counterparts; in Study 2, the authors, adopting a sub-sample of Study 1, examined the direct and interactive effects of parental autonomy support, mindfulness, and gender on prosocial behavior in EA-LB.