
Displaying 4901 - 4910 of 14435

Morgan E. Cooley & Raymond E. Petren - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined how foster parents worked together to parent foster children, how they described their roles and involvement with their foster children, how fostering impacted their coparenting and couple relationship, and their experiences and needs of working together with and within the foster care system.

José Luis Prieto - Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living,

This article explores age assessment methods used in estimating legal age or minor status of migrants and the need to minimize false positives with the aim of avoiding mistaken classification of a minor as of legal age.

Nadine Lanctôt - Child & Family Social Work,

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the associations between child maltreatment, cognitive schemas of disconnection/rejection reported in emerging adulthood, and social support perceived in emerging adulthood among young women who have exited placements in residential care.

Alhassan Abdullah, Ebenezer Cudjoe, Clifton Robert Emery, Margarita Frederico - Journal of Adolescence,

This study reports findings from interviews with young adults with experience of kinship care in Ghana, about what lessons their kinship care experiences provided in their transition to adulthood.

Lars Brännström, Bo Vinnerljung, Anders Hjern - Child Maltreatment,

Using Swedish longitudinal registry data for a national cohort sample of siblings, in which some were placed in foster care and others remained in their birth parents’ care, this study asks whether long-term foster care ensures improved life chances.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

This booklet serves as a companion resource for the Core Elements of Success in OVC Care: Self-Assessment Tool, developed by CAFO.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) ,

This 'companion primer' from the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) provides an overview of the ways in which adversity impacts brain development and how the use of appropriate interventions based on relationships can help reshape children's brains, leading to greater wellbeing and better outcomes for kids from hard places.

Richard A. Brandon-Friedman, Elizabeth A. Wahler, Barbara J. Pierce, Jeffry W. Thigpen, J. Dennis Fortenberry - Journal of Adolescent Health,

This study explored the impact of sociosexualization and sexual identity development on the sexual well-being of youth formerly in the foster care system.


El presente llamado se realiza en el marco del convenio de cooperación vigente entre el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Inmujeres-MIDES) y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, UNICEF, cuyo contenido refiere a la generación de conocimiento sobre Violencia Basada en Género (VBG) e Infancia.

Lisa A. Goodman & Jennifer E. Fauci - Journal of Family Violence,

This article aims to review briefly the broader social, historical, and structural contexts of mandated reporting and the linked phenomena of parenting surveillance and the forced separation of families of color in the U.S.