
Displaying 4941 - 4950 of 14437

Bi Ying Hu, Huiping Wu, Adam Winsler, Xitao Fan, Zhanmei Song - Early Childhood Research Quarterly,

This study examined early trajectories for academic and social skills among four groups of rural, preschool-attending, children in the Guangdong province of China: Village children who remained in a rural village and lived with both parents, Migrant children who migrated with their work-seeking parents to live in an urban area, Partially-left-behind children who lived with one parent in a rural village while the other parent migrated to the city for work, and Completely-left-behind children who stayed in a rural village with relatives while both parents migrated to the city for work.

Marianna L. Colvin & Shari E. Miller - Child & Youth Services ,

In response to the ongoing call for a complex systems approach for understanding and informing child welfare practice and policy, this article presents a context-specific conceptual framework that combines complexity theory and network analysis.

Jo Staines & Julie Selwyn - Child & Family Social Work,

Drawing on a large‐scale online survey of looked after children's subjective well‐being, this paper demonstrates that a significant number of children and young people (age 4–18 years) did not fully understand the reasons for their entry to care.

Jo Staines & Julie Selwyn - Child & Family Social Work,

Drawing on a large‐scale online survey of looked after children's subjective well‐being, this paper demonstrates that a significant number of children and young people (age 4–18 years) did not fully understand the reasons for their entry to care.

Monica Dalen, Steinar Theie, Anne-Lise Rygvold - Children and Youth Services Review,

The study examined school adjustment among 119 internationally adopted children in Norway.

Christina Myers, Antonio Garcia, Rinad Beidas, Zixiaojie Yang - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined whether caseworker demographic factors, attitudes towards evidence-based practices (EBPs) and organizational factors predict caseworker referrals. Relying upon tenets of the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study also examined whether intention to refer predicts caseworker referrals to an EBP.

Eunice Magalhães & Maria Manuela Calheiros - Child Indicators Research,

For this study, a sample of 365 adolescents in residential care settings in Portugal completed a set of self-reported measures, specifically, the Rights perceptions scale, the Place attachment scale and Scales of psychological well-being.

Ebenezer Cudjoe, Lars Uggerhøj, Alhassan Abdullah - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of young people with child protection meetings, in order to develop better ways to improve children’s participation in child protection in Ghana.

Nuria Mackes - The Conversation,

In this article for the Conversation, Nuria Mackes discusses her team's latest research on the impacts of early childhood deprivation on adult brain size and behavior.

Nuria K. Mackes, Dennis Golm, Sagari Sarkar, Robert Kumsta, Michael Rutter, Graeme Fairchild, Mitul A. Mehta, Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke - PNAS,

To investigate the impact of childhood deprivation on the adult brain and the extent to which structural changes underpin these effects, the authors of this study from PNAS utilized MRI data collected from young adults who were exposed to severe deprivation in early childhood in the Romanian orphanages of the Ceaușescu era and then, subsequently adopted by UK families.