
Displaying 5031 - 5040 of 14437

John Murphy - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

Resulting from the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown, EPIC (Empowering People in Care) decided to contact all young people’s residential centres in Ireland. This article present the results of that survey.

Elaine Hamilton & Niamh Miller - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

In this article, the young people and team at the Nether Johnstone House in Scotland share some of their reflections and learnings of lockdown.

End Violence Partnership,

Is it actually possible to end violence against children? This new podcast series from the End Violence Partnership explores the answer to that question by talking to those on the frontlines – the experts, researchers and leaders that have dedicated their lives to keeping children safe.

The Fostering Network,

The Fostering Network's State of the Nation’s Foster Care survey is the largest survey of foster carers in the UK. This impact report lists the positive changes that have happened in the world of fostering since the publication of the State of the Nation 2019 report to the end of 2020.

Jue Wang - Girlhood Studies,

In this article, the author focuses on the experiences of five young “left-behind” girls who were socially isolated because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Josephine Naita Waweru, Henry Tucholski, Catherine Kisasa, Catherine Mwarari, Anatasio Nyagah, Beatrice Churu - Institute of Youth Studies Tangaza University College,

This study adopted a phenomenological research design, purposively sampling 26 preteens and teenagers living, during the school term, in a Charitable Children's Institution (CCI) that doubles up as their School and then moving to live with foster families during the school holidays. The focal areas of the field study were the young people's experiences in the CCI, the transition to the foster families, and the young people's experiences in foster care.

Saar-Heiman, Yuval Krumer-Nevo, Michal - American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,

The provision of material assistance, which is widespread in child protection settings, has received negligible scholarly attention. This article aims to describe and conceptualize this underresearched practice and to explore the challenges workers face when implementing it. The study described here included 20 in-depth interviews conducted with social workers working in an innovative Israeli child protection program called Families on the Path to Growth.

Care for Children,

This documentary features China’s first generation of foster children. These young people reveal how they moved on from life in orphanages to achieve success and their foster parents recall their battles to help them overcome prejudice and serious developmental difficulties. The documentary also tells the story of the founding of Care for Children, an organization that has placed almost a million Chinese children from orphanages with local foster families.

Inclusion International,

This report analyzes data available through the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC)’s Creditor Reporting System (CRS), which reveals that many mainstream development projects fail to include people with intellectual disabilities, including children. The report includes guidance for ensuring CRPD-compliant project funding, including examples of community living projects that align with the CRPD, such as supporting the transition of people with disabilities from institutions to independent living and providing training for families on supporting their children with disabilities at home.

Sarah A. Font and Elizabeth T. Gershoff - Society for Research in Child Development Social Policy Report,

In this report, the authors review how policy has shaped the experiences and outcomes of children in foster care in the U.S., where policy has succeeded, and where it falls short of achieving its goals. The authors then identify opportunities for U.S. federal and state policy to better support the safety, health, and well-being of children in foster care.