
Displaying 5131 - 5140 of 14437

Fotine Konstantopoulou and Ioanna Mantziou - Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health,

The current literature review provides a conceptual and empirical framework for understanding child institutional maltreatment.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This brochure from the Center for the Study of Social Policy's Strengthening Families initiative shares tips for parents to draw on their own strengths and build a network of support to better help their children to thrive during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNICEF Ghana, Department of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection,

These Standards for Foster Care are available to all stakeholders engaged in the protection, care and support of children where foster care provision may be required. These Standards are intended to guide social workers and other service providers in monitoring foster care services.

Fotine Konstantopoulou & Ioanna Mantziou - Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health,

The current literature review provides a conceptual and empirical framework for understanding child institutional maltreatment.

International Labour Organization (ILO),

This webpage from the International Labour Organization (ILO) features data on global social protection measures and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.

International Disability Alliance,

On this page, you will find stories from people with various disabilities across the globe sharing their experiences with the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic risk reduction strategies implemented by their governments.

Global Detention Project,

This platform reports how countries are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic in their migration control policies as well as calls by independent monitoring bodies, NGOs, and human rights institutions demanding measures to safeguard migrants and asylum seekers, including unaccompanied migrant children.

Ahmet Ozaslan and Nuran Demir - The Archives of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions,

This study examines the mental health symptoms of children in institutional care in Ankara, Turkey and possible factors that may cause these symptoms.

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia,

This post from the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia website describes how UNICEF is mobilizing to protect marginalized and vulnerable children – including those with disabilities – against the impact of COVID 19 in the region.

World Vision,

This research was conducted in March and April 2020 to explore children and young people’s reflections and perceptions on the COVID-19 outbreak.