
Displaying 6541 - 6550 of 14477

John Pinkerton & Adrian Van Breda - Leaving Care and the Transition to Adulthood: International Contributions to Theory, Research, and Practice,

This chapter’s authors argue that social policy on leaving care is a critical resilience process for promoting care leavers’ successful transition toward emerging adulthood.

Emily Vargas-Barón, Jason Small, Donald Wertlieb, Hollie Hix-Small, Rocío Gómez Botero, Kristel Diehl, Paola Vergara, Paul Lynch - RISE Institute ,

This report presents the findings of a global survey designed to map current implementation of Inclusive Early Childhood Development (IECD) and Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) programs, among other objectives, and outlines recommendations based on those findings.

Montserrat Fargas - Foster journal,

This article is based on the author’s keynote presentation given at the Irish Foster Care Association (IFCA) conference in November 2018. It outlines an ‘ecological’ model for promoting foster care stability in Ireland.

Ann Hagell, Rakhee Shah, Russell Viner, Dougal Hargreaves, Jennifer McGowan, Michelle Heys - Health Foundation ,

This paper explores the extent to which the existing research literature has addressed four key assets to a successful transition to adulthood identified by care-experienced young people - skills and qualifications, personal connections, financial and practical support, and emotional support - and if so, what it showed about the asset’s role in a transition to adulthood.

Burns, Kenneth; O'Mahony, Conor; McAuley, Carley; Ó Súilleabháin, Fiachra; O'Callaghan, Elaine - University College Cork, Ireland,

This tool provides practical suggestions and guidance to support your practice in communicating with children in court.

Yvonne Smith & Lex Colletta - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study investigates staff perspectives on a new form of intensive oversight developed in New York State to prevent maltreatment of youth in care facilities.

Jacinta Chiamaka Nwaka & Akachi Odoemene - Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence,

This paper examines the development and proliferation of baby-selling centers in southern Nigeria and its impacts on and implication for women in Nigeria. It demonstrates how an attempt to give protection to unwed pregnant girls has metamorphosed into “baby harvesting” and selling through the notorious “baby factories,” where young women are held captive and used like industrial machines for baby production.

Samantha Lyneham and Lachlan Facchini - Australian Institute of Criminology,

This paper summarises the processes by which children become vulnerable to sexual exploitation and related harms within or facilitated by orphanages.

Rebekah Hyde & Cathy Atkinson - Educational and Child Psychology,

This paper explores care leavers’ needs and priorities from the perspective of self-determination theory (SDT), which relates the individual’s motivation to the human need for competence, relatedness and autonomy.

Mayookha Mitra-Majumdar, Keith Fudge, Kriti Ramakrishnan - Urban Institute,

This brief summarizes insights drawn from Community of Practice conversations and provides recommendations for local governments, service providers, and other partners considering Pay for success (PFS) as a tool for financing interventions serving transitional youth.