
Displaying 6621 - 6630 of 14477

Maria Alexandra Arriaga - GHR Foundation, Strategy for Humanity,

The purpose of this assessment is to reflect on the successes and challenges of the Global Alliance for Children (GAC) experience, a large-scale initiative to support and improve outcomes for children throughout their life cycle, especially children most at risk of harm.

Dawn Mannay, Louise Roberts, Alyson Rees,

In Wales, a significant body of work has been produced on and with care-experienced children and young people. This edited collection attempts to highlight these valuable insights in a single volume.

Erica Hall - World Vision International,

World Vision commissioned the research, 'No Choice', to better understand children associated with armed groups.

UNICEF & Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

These guidelines are informed by evidence of ‘what works’ and lessons learned in the field. They are designed to accelerate UNICEF regional and country offices’ programming on social service workforce strengthening, and support work to better plan, develop and support the social services workforce with national and regional partners.

Cailin O’Connor and Stephanie Doyle - Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This resource is designed to help agencies, systems, and collaboratives working with young children and their families to chart a course toward an expanded approach to family engagement.

SNAICC – National Voice for our Children,

This brief from SNAICC – National Voice for our Children highlights the issue of the disproportional numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care in Australia, which has reached "national crisis proportions," and outlines key steps that need to be taken to address this issue.

Dr. Claire Healy - International Centre for Migration Policy Development,

This study analyses the incidence of human trafficking among people travelling along the ‘Eastern Mediterranean route,’ the ‘Balkan route’ and the ‘Central Mediterranean route’; factors of resilience to human trafficking and other abuses; and factors of vulnerability to human trafficking and other abuses. The study reveals the particular vulnerability of unaccompanied minors to child exploitation and abduction and highlights key recommendations for addressing human trafficking along these routes.

Leila Patel, Tessa Hochfeld, Eleanor Ross, Jenita Chiba, Karin Luck - The Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg,

This report presents the findings of an intervention study evaluating the short-term outcomes of Sihleng’imizi Family Programme, an evidence-based preventative social-educational intervention.

Elizabeth Donger, Jacqueline Bhabha, Ayesha Mehrotra and Miriam Chernoff - Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights,

This study documents and evaluates the harm prevention work carried out by the children’s rights nonprofit Aangan Trust since late 2015 in Konia, a peri-urban slum area in Varanasi, a large city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Laura Baams, Bianca D.M. Wilson, Stephen T. Russell - Pediatrics,

This study assesses whether LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in unstable housing and foster care and examines disparities in school functioning, substance use, and mental health for LGBTQ youth versus heterosexual youth in unstable housing and foster care.