
Displaying 6851 - 6860 of 14477


This Reflection Note from the Family Resilience (FARE) project asked how, in practice, Household Development Plans were used, and what was their value in improving the relationship environment and capacities of families to reintegrate previously separated children and youth back at home and to prevent separation.

Irvin Kudzanai Shangwa, Takudzwa Leonard Mathende - Journal of Social Service and Welfare,

This article shall base its findings on literature review and the professional experiences of the authors deriving from practice observations of the child protection systems in the UK and Zimbabwe.

Cambodian Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation,

This handbook highlights the role commune committees for women and children (CCWCs) can play in support of implementing the Action Plan for improving child care, which is being carried out in five priority provinces in Cambodia. The Action Plan intends to safely return 30 per cent of children in residential care to their families by the end of 2018, as well as establish effective preventive and gatekeeping mechanisms to prevent unnecessary family separation. This handbook is useful in strengthening CCWCs’ roles and enhancing their knowledge and capacity to protect children in their communes.


This field guide, produced by Apolitical in partnership with Hope and Homes for Children, is designed to help public servants understand the issue of children in care. It covers the following learning objectives: (1) Understand why experts say institutional care is harmful to children, (2) Learn about deinstitutionalisation and new approaches to replace institutions and prevent family separation, and (3) Learn about interventions that have improved outcomes for kids who do experience care.

William Teager, Stacey Fox and Neil Stafford - . Early Intervention Foundation, The Front Project and CoLab at the Telethon Kids Institute,

The purpose of this report is to: reveal how much Australian governments spend every year because children and young people have reached crisis point and highlight the opportunity of earlier and wiser investment in children to improve the lives of young Australians while reducing pressure on government budgets.

FHI 360,

The primary goal of the ASPIRES project is to support gender-sensitive programming, research and learning to improve the economic security of highly vulnerable individuals, families and children.

María E. Serra and Rose Mari Soria - Arch Argent Pediatr,

In this article, the experience, difficulties and perspectives of the first health training program for foster child care facilities personnel in Argentina are presented.

Mmamore Rebecca Babedi and Jace Pillay - Issues in Educational Research,

This qualitative research study explored the psycho-educational and social factors that contribute to anxiety in orphaned adolescent students in a secondary school in Welkom, Free State, South Africa.

Hunter, K. E. - University of Liverpool,

This thesis is concerned with the overrepresentation of black and minority ethnic (BME) children and looked after children, in the youth justice system in general and the secure state in particular, in England and Wales.

Leontina Mihaela Dragu - Revista Universitară de Sociologie,

The present study analyzes the process of deinstitutionalization in Romania, as a transition stage in the life of youngsters who leave care system after turning eighteen.