
Displaying 721 - 730 of 14428

Tshering Dolkar,

This article explores the existing policies and services that are prevalent in Bhutan that are enhancing childcare and protection. It also tries to bring forth the good practices that are currently in place and how it can be strengthened further by addressing challenges within the system. It also provides insight into history and evolution, and role of stakeholders involved in alternative care in the country.

Gurneet Kalra,

This is a series of written interviews conducted with care-experienced persons from Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka who have had experience with alternative care. These interviews were published in the September 2023 issue of the Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond journal.

Sohani Fernando,

This article explores the steady move towards family-based care in Sri Lanka over the last decade. The country has given priority to family strengthening and strong gatekeeping mechanisms to prevent children from being unnecessarily separated from their families.

Md. Enamul Haque, Tania Sultana, Nusrat Jahan Shawon, Erfan Haque,

Based on the literature and observation, this article explores ideas on the alternative care of children, particularly relating to its modalities and challenges in the context of Bangladesh. The authors opine that the children’s best interest cannot be achieved when a group grows without quality care.

Ian Forber-Pratt,

In this editorial, Ian Forber-Pratt, editor of this tenth anniversary edition of the Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond, gives an of alternative care in Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. 

Dhan Bahadur Lama, Anju Pun, Rija Maharjan,

This article focuses on the national efforts advancing children’s right to alternative care services in Nepal. It presents the government’s existing laws and policies in providing responsible care to children in need of special protection and for children who cannot be placed in parental care due to various reasons for family separation.

Zofeen T. Ebrahim - The Guardian,

The death of 10-year-old Fatima Furiro would have passed sadly but quietly had it not been for the two graphic videos that turned up on social media. The little girl’s body was this week exhumed for a postmortem examination, days after the videos mysteriously appeared online.

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,

9 серпня 2023 року Міністерство соціальної політики України, Міністерство реінтеграції України та Міністерство внутрішніх справ України підписали спільний наказ №274-Н/215/651, яким затвердили Типовий план повернення українських дітей, евакуйовани

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,

On 9 August 2023 the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Reintegration of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine signed a joint Order No274-H/215/651 adopting a Model Plan for the return of Ukrainian children evacuated from 22 baby homes and placed in boarding institutions in safer places in Ukraine and abroad.

Marie Claire Van Hout, Ulla-Britt Klankwarth, Simon Fleißner, Heino Stöver,

In this Health Policy, the authors map the global variation in age restrictions and durations of stay in prison with a primary caregiver. They show a broad range of approaches and provisions for the placement of children in prison.