
Displaying 781 - 790 of 14428

ISS, RAPHA International,

Ce Guide Technique pour la Réintégration Familiale en Haïti se veut un guide pratique pour les travailleurs sociaux de l’Etat, des Organisations de la Société Civile et des ONG travaillant avec les enfants séparés de leurs familles et placés en Maison d’Enfants ou en d’autres dispositifs de protection de remplacement en Haïti.

ISS, RAPHA International,

This is a practical guide for the social workforce from the State, Civil Society Organisations and NGOs working with children separated from their families and being placed in residential care institutions or in other forms of alternative care in Haiti. This ISS publication draws on case studies and best practices from various experiences in Haiti and abroad in the field of family reintegration.

Yuanyuan Chen, Wei Fu,

This paper investigates the effects of a migration control policy in mega cities after 2014 in China on parent–child separation.

Hope and Homes for Children,

Hope and Homes for Children seeks a Senior Grants Partnerships Manager (Institutional Funding Lead) to provide leadership on all aspects of the institutional funding cycle.

Katie DeRosa - Vancouver Sun,

First Nations child welfare advocates are urging the province to bring in Indigenous oversight following the 2021 death of an 11-year-old boy and the abuse of his eight-year-old sister while in foster care.

UNICEF ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

This UNICEF ESARO webinar explores the role of case management in care reform and examines strategies for effective case management from Kenya, Ghana and Uganda.

Chris Swerts, Laura E. Gómez, Margo Dewitte, Jessica De Maeyer, Wouter Vanderplasschen ,

This global study investigates how adolescents between 12 and 18 years old in residential and non-residential youth care services perceive their quality of life on the basis of a new specific measure: the Quality of Life in Youth Services Scale (QOLYSS).

Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research,

This paper assesses the legal regime governing inter-country adoption under the Ethiopian family laws by making a brief comparative study with correspondent provisions of the Chinese family law.

Yannick Balk, Georg Frerks, Beatrice de Graaf,

This article investigates the phenomenon and practice of intercountry adoption in the Netherlands from a historical perspective by using applied history methods.

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC),

Timeline of Transition: Story International