Family strengthening is comprehensive strengths-based approaches, supports and services to families at risk of separation or those receiving children from residential care and any form of alternative care to something more permanent and resilient. It also can help prevent child abuse and neglect. Ensuring families have the skills, knowledge, connections, ways and means to care for their children and foster a positive relationships across the age span. Family strengthening can include home visits and group sessions to build positive parenting skills, and linking families into supportive services and referrals, such as healthcare, psychosocial support, education, training, life skills development, strengthening household economics, and many combinations of these areas. Family strengthening addresses risks and bolsters protective factors.
(Definition adapted from conversations with practitioners in Kenya, Guatemala and Moldova)

Essential reading
Learning brief on family and workforce strengthening and case management: The Importance of Integrating Family Strengthening, Reunification, Case Management and Workforce Strengthening
Guidance for frontline workers on family-based care: Promoting Resilience-Informed Care: A practical guidance resource for frontline workers in family based care
Country-specific essential reading
An evidence-based positive parenting approach: Families Together
Positive parenting lessons learnt in Kenya: Learnings: Promoting Positive Caregiving for Children at Risk of Separation or in the Process of Reintegration in Kenya…;
Looking at a cross-cutting approach to family strengthening as part of broader care reform work in Kenya: Learnings: Family Strengthening and Care Reform in Kenya
The aspects of family strengthening support that caregivers think have affected their ability to care and provide for their children in Kenya and Guatemala: Year 3 Review: Guatemala and Kenya Household Survey
East and Southern Africa Learning Platform: Webinar on preventing family separation
The aspects of family strengthening support that caregivers think have affected their ability to care and provide for their children in Guatemala and Kenya: Year 3 Review: Guatemala and Kenya Household Survey
A process implemented by CTWWC and PGN to prevent unnecessary child-family separation: Mechanism for the Prevention of Unnecessary Child-Family Separation: Guatemala Report
Examples of reintegration in Guatemala: Closing Cases of Children and Adolescents Reintegrated into their Family and Community Environment in the Demonstration Area
Strengths and gaps in social services in Moldova. Assessment of Social Services for Vulnerable Children and Families
An in depth look at the social service workforce for children and families in Moldova. Situational Assessment of Child and Family Protection Personnel Training in the Republic of Moldova
Exploring how faith communities contribute to different elements of care reform in Moldova and how linkages can be strengthened. The Faith Community's Role in Care Reform: Insights from Moldova
An analysis of existing programmes across India: Compendium on family strengthening and alternative care programmes practised across India
Phase 1: costing report