Family Strengthening for Families With Children in or at Risk of Going Into Alternative Care

Changing the Way We Care

Family strengthening is comprehensive strengths-based approaches, supports and services to families at risk of separation or those receiving children from residential care and any form of alternative care to something more permanent and resilient. It also can help prevent child abuse and neglect. Ensuring families have the skills, knowledge, connections, ways and means to care for their children and foster a positive relationships across the age span. Family strengthening can include home visits and group sessions to build positive parenting skills, and linking families into supportive services and referrals, such as healthcare, psychosocial support, education, training, life skills development, strengthening household economics, and many combinations of these areas. Family strengthening addresses risks and bolsters protective factors.   

(Definition adapted from conversations with practitioners in Kenya, Guatemala and Moldova)

Video file

Family Strengthening

Essential reading 

Country-specific essential reading 



