Displaying 231 - 240 of 1067
Considering the importance of preventing and better understanding neglect, the present paper aims to describe and discuss similarities and differences among negligent families, comparing them to other families in terms of socioeconomic aspects and risk factors related to neglect.
Drawing on qualitative research undertaken with adolescents with disabilities from refugee and host communities in Jordan and the State of Palestine, this article critically interrogates the framing of child neglect, which to date has situated the state as a protector rather than a perpetrator, the narrow understanding of adolescent needs and the responsibility of international actors for ensuring that the full range of human rights of adolescents with disabilities is supported.
Exposure to childhood victimization and adversity (CVA) is pervasive for child welfare (CW) involved youth. However, most research with CW samples has focused on types of maltreatment and fails to recognize the additive influence of exposure to CVA beyond maltreatment. For this study, a subsample aged 8 to 17 (n = 1,887) was drawn from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW) II.
This article proposes a three-step model for the process of case file keeping, including aspects on the level of information gathering, processing, and presentation.
For this study, a sample of youth in foster care was used to provide a new examination of the relation between child maltreatment exposure and internalizing symptoms, to test the possible moderating effects of both appraisals and spirituality, and examine differences between children and adolescents.
The aim of this study was to identify what protective factors might exist amongst families who are identified as high risk by predictive risk models (PRMs).
The current study begins to address a gap in the literature by examining the association of income instability and child maltreatment in a sample of low-income families deflected from Child Protective Services.
This report reviews the government of Bangladesh’s progress to create the minimum conditions in law and policy needed to end violence against children.
This paper brings new understanding about the way in which child neglect is identified by school staff in Wales.
This essay provides an overview of an alternative to the traditional model of social work that was developed in the context of an initiative seeking to address the community-level factors shown to influence children’s safety. The model described in this essay was part of an effort to replicate Strong Communities for Children (Strong Communities)—which was first piloted in the USA to keep children safe by building systems of support for parents with young children —in south Tel Aviv, Israel.