Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse includes all forms of physical and emotional mistreatment, sexual abuse, and neglect of a child’s basic needs, which results in actual or potential harm to a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Exploitation of children is also a form of abuse and includes trafficking for sexual or economic purposes, and recruitment of children into armed forces.

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Gillian Huebner - SOS Children's Villages ,

This briefing describes how the needs of children without parental care can be addressed through five of the SDGs: no poverty (1); quality education (4); decent work and economic growth (8); reduced inequalities (10); and peace, justice and strong institutions (16).

Victoria Schmidt - Ending Violence in Childhood Global Report 2017, Know Violence in Childhood,

This paper, produced for the Know Violence global learning initiative, looks at the violence children experience in closed institutions in the Central Asian countries, specifically the former Soviet republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Maddy Coy, Nicola Sharp-Jeffs and Liz Kelly - Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse,

This briefing paper is for social workers. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation with implications for practice and should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals.

ChildFund Alliance, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages International, World Vision International, and Development Initiatives,

This report is the result of an investigation into the amount of official development assistance (ODA) that is targeted at ending violence against children, either as the main focus or as part of a broader programme. 

Kirrily Pells & Virginia Morrow - Ending Violence in Childhood Global Report 2017. Know Violence in Childhood.,

This brief paper highlights some of Young Lives key findings on violence affecting children, exploring what children say about violence, how it affects them, and the key themes that emerges from a systematic analysis of the children’s accounts.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and Save the Children,

This comprehensive report discusses progress made towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children, including by highlighting examples from individual states that have recently implemented legal and policy reforms. 

WGBH Forum ,

As part of NOVA's look at childhood education, Dr. Charles Nelson came to this Boston Cafe Sci to share his research on the effects of early profound adversity on child and brain development.

Joseph P. Ryan, Brian G. Victor, Andrew Moore, Orion Mowbray, and Brian E. Perron -- Children and Youth Services Review,

This study tests an intervention to improve child welfare outcomes for substance abusing families, specifically the probability of families achieving a stable (at least 12 months) reunification. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Barbara Lee, Esme Fuller-Thomson, Nico Trocme, Barbara Fallon, and Tara Black -- Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used the 2008 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect data to determine the representation of child maltreatment investigations for Asian-Canadian versus White-Canadian children involved in the child welfare system.