Child Exploitation

Child trafficking is a form of child abuse. It is the exploitation of children for economic or sexual purposes, and includes the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of a child for exploitation. Children may be sold, illegally adopted, forced into early marriage, recruited into the armed forces, pushed into prostitution, or trafficked to work in mines, factories, or homes. In such environments they are exposed to extreme forms of abuse and are denied access to basic services and the meeting of their fundamental human rights. Trafficked children often lack basic legal status and support networks, making their condition virtually "invisible." 

Displaying 191 - 200 of 369

Radio Free Asia,

Than Than Ei was just nine years old when she was sent to work for a family in Yangon, where she suffered years of physical and emotional abuse. 

Next Generation Nepal Country Director Martin Punaks talks about orphanage trafficking in Nepal, why orphanage volunteers may inadvertently be part of the problem and how you can be part of the solution through ethical volunteering and other ways of "giving back."

Kolleen Bouchane, Molly Curtiss, and Bethany Ellis - Best Start, Theirworld,

This paper from Best Start (a global campaign for Early Childhood Development led by children’s charity Theirworld) emphasizes the need for holistic early childhood development (ECD) programs - Safe Spaces - for young children in emergency situations. 

Silvie Bovarnick, Di McNeish and Jenny Pearce ,

This briefing is based on a rapid review of the available literature on outreach work with children and young people. It is intended to provide the ReachOut project with an overview of different approaches to outreach; what it generally aims to achieve; what distinguishes it from centre-based work and how it is applicable to children and young people involved in, or at risk of, child sexual exploitation. 

Children's Bureau,

This podcast episode features the Miami CARES project. Funded through a Children's Bureau grant, the Miami CARES project brings more than 10 government and community agencies within Miami-Dade (FL) County together to forge a collaborative, systemic approach to identifying minors who are, or are at risk of becoming, victims of human trafficking.


This article discusses the major population displacement that unfolded in Africa’s Lake Chad Basin.

Sallie Yea - Movement, Mobilities, and Journeys Volume 6 of the series Geographies of Children and Young People pp 67-84,

This chapter explores issues of children’s agency and participation in anti-trafficking interventions with children trafficked for exploitative labor in Vietnam. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Silvie Bovarnick and Sara Scott,

This briefing is based on a rapid assessment of the available evidence relevant to CSE prevention education. It brings together key messages from research and evaluation about what works to prevent sexual exploitation and promote healthy relationships.

Sophia Fischer, Claudia Dolitzsch, Klaus Schmeck, Jorg M. Fegert and Marc Schmid - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to assess the relationship between interpersonal traumatic experiences and specific psychopathological symptoms in a high-risk population of girls and boys living in youth welfare institutions in residential care.