Child Exploitation

Child trafficking is a form of child abuse. It is the exploitation of children for economic or sexual purposes, and includes the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of a child for exploitation. Children may be sold, illegally adopted, forced into early marriage, recruited into the armed forces, pushed into prostitution, or trafficked to work in mines, factories, or homes. In such environments they are exposed to extreme forms of abuse and are denied access to basic services and the meeting of their fundamental human rights. Trafficked children often lack basic legal status and support networks, making their condition virtually "invisible." 

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Beckett, H. (lead author), Holmes, D. and Walker, J. - University of Bedfordshire, The International Centre: Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking, & Research in Practice ,

The document outlines the new civil definition of child sexual exploitation, developed by the Home Office and DfE, together with an overview of our current understanding of the issue and an evidence-informed set of principles for responding.

Department for Education, UK,

The advice presented in this report is non-statutory, and has been produced to help practitioners, local leaders and decision makers who work with children and families to identify child sexual exploitation and take appropriate action in response.


Delphine Moralis discusses the 10,000 refugee children that have gone missing in the EU.

Silvie Bovarnick, Sara Scott and Jenny Pearce - University of Bedfordshire, DMSS, Barnardo's,

This review is intended to provide Barnardo’s with an overview of what ‘direct work’ with young people entails in the context of CSE.

Maddy Coy, Nicola Sharp-Jeffs and Liz Kelly - Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse,

This briefing paper is for social workers. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation with implications for practice and should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals.


This document provides analysis of child protection needs and risks at the government level to support child protection actors in programmed development, resource mobilasation and advocacy.

Linda Reynolds, Senator for Western Australia & Kate van Doore,

This newsletter issue from Senator Linda Reynolds of Western Australia, written in conjunction with Kate van Doore of Griffith Law School, was written in preparation for the Australian Parliamentary inquiry on modern slavery and describes the ways in which orphanage trafficking constitutes modern-day slavery. 

Georgette Mulheir and Mara Cavanagh - Lumos,

According to this report from Lumos, of the estimated 32,000 children who live in orphanages in Haiti, only 20 are percent orphans.

Georgette Mulheir avec Mara Cavanagh,

On estime que 32 000 enfants vivent dans des orphelinats en Haïti.

Inter-Agency Coordination - Lebanon,

The quarterly dashboard summarizes the progress made by partners involved in the Lebanon Crisis Response and highlights trends a!ecting people in need.