Children and Migration

Millions of children around the world are affected by migration.  This includes girls and boys who migrate within and between countries (usually with their families but sometimes on their own), as well as children ‘left behind’ when their parents or caregivers migrate in search of economic opportunities.  Be it forced or voluntary, by adults or children, migration affects children’s care situations and can entail risks to their protection.

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Better Care Network,

The Committee's recommendations on the issues relevant to children's care are highlighted, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.


This report from UNICEF shines light on the dangers of the Central Mediterranean Migration Route for children and the particular vulnerability of unaccompanied migrant minors traveling along this route.

Susan Schmidt - Journal on Migration and Human Security,

This article analyzes the responses of Central American and Mexican migrant children to one interview question regarding how to help youth like themselves, and identifies several implied “no-win” situations as potential reasons for the migration decisions of unaccompanied children.

Susanna Davies and Carol Batchelor,

In the attached article Susanna Davies and Carol Batchelor discuss the importance of ensuring methods of resettlement are able to function in today’s global context. 


Delphine Moralis discusses the 10,000 refugee children that have gone missing in the EU.

International Organization for Migration (IOM), MICIC,

Контрольный список входит в состав инструментария, разработанного МОМ в качестве технического руководства по практическому применению Руководящих положений Инициативы МИСИК, включая руководящее положение 13: Переселение и при необходимости эвакуация мигрантов. Это свод не имеющих обязательной силы рекомендуемых действий, направленных на то, чтобы потребности детей-мигрантов в особой защите были учтены в ходе гуманитарной эвакуации. С помощью этого функционального инструмента государства и международные организации смогут соблюсти принципы защиты детей (ЗД) при организации гуманитарной эвакуации, учитывая индивидуальные условия уязвимости детеймигрантов и обеспечивая их потребности до, во время и после эвакуации. Подразумевается, что рекомендуемые действия будут в полной мере внедрены в операции по всеобщей эвакуации; они не предполагают организации отдельного процесса эвакуации детей.

Karen Smith Rotabi and Nicole F. Bromfield,

Extracting on chronologic data, this book discusses the politics and practice of intercountry adoption starting with the state international adoption to in the 1950s continuing to present-day adoption practice and protections.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center,

This report from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center of the United States highlights the connections between US immigration policy and the child welfare system, particularly the criminalization of undocumented immigrants and its impact on foster care in the US.

Save the Children,

This Save the Children case study aims to briefly describe the process of developing specialised training package for foster care of Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Serbia, its key components and main lessons learned from the process. 

Adrian Nicolescu - Social Sciences and Education Research Review,

This paper examines the situation of children in Romania whose parents are going to work abroad, leaving the children without parental care.