Child Protection for COVID-19

This section highlights tools and resources for child protection in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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This analysis from CARE highlights the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls, including the increased risk of violence and/or separation from caregivers for children, particularly girls.

Consortium for Street Children,

This page from the Consortium for Street Children website explores how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting street-connected children and features documents from the Consortium, including explanatory notes on COVID-19 and street-connected children’s rights, and other resources.

Child Helpline International,

This webpage presents a selection of tools, articles and other resources being shared across the community of children’s rights practitioners concerning the current coronavirus pandemic.

Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender-based Violence (GBV) Guidelines,

This page on the website for the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender-based Violence (GBV) Guidelines contains COVID-19-specific resources and pulls from the knowledge-base of ebola, zika and cholera outbreaks.

Changing the Way We Care,

Această mapă, de asemenea, ajută programelor la adaptare, reorganizare și determinarea priorității activităților de prevenire și răspuns.

Sistovaris, M., Fallon, B., Miller, S., Birken, C., Denburg, A., Jenkins, J., Levine, J., Mishna, F., Sokolowski, M. and Stewart, S. - Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto,

This literature scan identifies and synthesizes existing literature examining the effects of pandemics and the identification of policy solutions to mitigate their effects on a well defined group of Canada’s population—children in the care of Canada’s child welfare system.

Changing the Way We Care,

Esta guía se desarrolló para ayudar al equipo psicosocial a realizar un seguimiento virtual de los NNA y las familias durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Farrukh Shah - Save the Children,

This study focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects children aged 11-17 in India, including impacts on violence against children and social protection for children.


On this webpage, ISPCAN has gathered resources on how to navigate through the COVID 19 pandemic.

Save the Children Australia,

This guide aims to build Save the Children staff capacity through the provision of mentoring to Save the Children staff, funded partner organisations, staff and volunteers, including field coordinators, child and youth group leaders, community mentors and facilitators.