Ending Child Institutionalization

The detrimental effects of institutionalization on a child’s well-being are widely documented. Family based care alternatives such as kinship or foster care, are much more effective in providing care and protection for a child, and are sustainable options until family reunification can take place. The use of residential care should be strictly limited to specific cases where it may be necessary to provide temporary, specialized, quality care in a small group setting organized around the rights and needs of the child in a setting as close as possible to a family, and for the shortest possible period of time. The objective of such placement should be to contribute actively to the child’s reintegration with his/her family or, where this is not possible or in the best interests of the child, to secure his/her safe, stable, and nurturing care in an alternative family setting or supported independent living as young people transition to adulthood. 

Displaying 561 - 570 of 676


Mapping of existing facilities caring for children in residential capacity for use in developing child protection standards

Examines the capacity of childcare institutions and the monitoring and reintegration meausures necessary to ensure child safety in such.

International Social Service,

Evaluates country level implementation of principles set forth in Guidelines.


Outlines the contributions of UNICEF to national and international efforts to fulfill children’s right to protection.

Andy Bilson and Richard Carter ,

This report written for UNICEF identifies the key elements for a strategy to take forward the Government of Ukraine’s programme for the reform of child welfare.

Office of Social Welfare of Guatemala, Holt International and UNICEF,

Assesses the causes and realities of children living in institutions in Guatemala with recommendations for systemic reform.

Shihning Chou and Kevin Browne,

Explores causal relationship between increased international adoption and increase in institutional care of children in Europe.

Department of Social Welfare, Ministry of Manpower, Youth and Employment, Government of Ghana ,

These standards were drafted as part of a reform initiative programme in Ghana to ensure that institutional care is used as a last resort


Update on all recent seminars and activities relevant to child welfare reform and deinstitutionalization in Russia


Provides insight into the situation of children outside parental care in South Asia, gaps in legislation, capacity, and services, with reference to national and international legal instruments.