
"Gatekeeping," as it is used on this web site, is the process of referring children and families to appropriate services or care arrangements with the aim of limiting the number of inappropriate placements. Gatekeeping is an essential tool in diverting children from unnecessary initial entry into alternative care, and reducing the numbers of children entering institutions. Gatekeeping is often carried out by social welfare professionals or trained staff at institutions, but is often aided by members of the community and local service providers.


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Participants of the second international conference on Children and Residential Care,

This document represents the agreements made at the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care in Stockholm, Sweden, held from 12 to 15 May, 2003. The conference was sponsored by the Swedish Foreign Ministry and the Swedish International Development and Co-operation Agency (Sida). The document includes the principles and actions, regarding children and residential care, that were agreed upon by the participants at the conference.


A 2 part document containing a concept paper on strategies that divert children from institutional care into community based support programs, and a toolkit with practical resources for implementing improved gate keeping.

Anna Nordenmark,

This report is the result of a seminar held in Kazakhstan 2004. It focuses on social welfare sector reform, and includes topics such as expanding legislative agendas and financing frameworks, as well as gate keeping. Case studies of reform processes from Romania, Tajikistan and Serbia are discussed. Includes conference agenda.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Practical guidance, case examples, and tools to assess, monitor, and evaluate child protection services and facilitate reform away from institutionalization of children.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Contains practical tools and policy guidance for family and child welfare policy makers and practitioners. Relevant topics include gatekeeping, redirecting resources into preventive and family based services, and standards of care.

Andy West,

This paper defines concepts and highlights key topics around orphaned and vulnerable children. It stresses the importance of creating a child-friendly environment and utilizing a holistic approach to care, both which identify children as central participants in decision-making about care and placement.

K Subbarao, Angel Mattimore, and Kathrin Plangemann,

Overviews the causes and consequences of the orphan crisis in Africa and analyzes current social protection responses. Suggests good practices in social protection of orphans and vulnerable children.

State of Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families,

These regulations were developed in the United States (in the state of Rhode Island) to assess all individuals who care for children away from their legal parents. It may contain useful information for organizations and countries that are developing their own regulations for foster carers.

International Foster Care Organization (IFCO),

Guidelines for foster care, developed by IFCO at a special Working Group Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand from 1-4 May 1995 in cooperation with the Department of Public Welfare, Bangkok.