
"Gatekeeping," as it is used on this web site, is the process of referring children and families to appropriate services or care arrangements with the aim of limiting the number of inappropriate placements. Gatekeeping is an essential tool in diverting children from unnecessary initial entry into alternative care, and reducing the numbers of children entering institutions. Gatekeeping is often carried out by social welfare professionals or trained staff at institutions, but is often aided by members of the community and local service providers.


Displaying 61 - 70 of 191

Tata Sudrajat, Dr. Kanya Eka Santi, Nurjannah - Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik ,

This book introduces the PDAK – Pusat Dukungan Anak dan Keluarga (Child and Family Support Centre) in Indonesia and the case management system utilized within the centre. 

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

Published jointly with UNICEF, this new BCN Working Paper focuses on the role of gatekeeping in strengthening family-based care and reforming alternative care systems. This Working Paper reviews different approaches to gatekeeping in five countries--Brazil, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Moldova, and Rwanda--to consider what has and has not worked, to analyze lessons learned from practice, and to reflect on the implications for improving policy and programs in this area.

Chrissie Gale - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This study discusses a variance in results in eliminating use of large-scale residential institutions for children across the CEE/CIS region.  

UNICEF y Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación,

Este nuevo relevamiento muestra y analiza datos actualizados relativos a la cantidad de niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNyA) sin cuidados parentales en la República Argentina, los lugares de cuidado donde están alojados, las condiciones en las que viven, el organismo que decidió que fueran separados o separadas de su mamá, papá o familia ampliada, los motivos de esta separación, los tiempos de permanencia en las instituciones, los motivos de ingreso y egreso.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

In this webinar, Dr. Delia Pop of Hope and Homes for Children explores effective methods for identifying families at risk of separation, and describes the Active Family Support (AFS) model proven to be effective in improving the wellbeing of children by preventing their separation from parents or enabling them to return to their biological families.

HM Government, UK,

Volume 2 of the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations provides guidance, primarily addressed to local authorities and their staff in England, about their functions under Part 3 of the Children Act 1989 which concerns the provision of local authority support for children and families. In particular it describes how local authorities should carry out their responsibilities in relation to care planning, placement and case review for looked after children.

Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, Uganda ,

This easy to use resource from the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development in Uganda, in consultation with civil society, outlines a continuum of care framework for responding to vulnerable children.

Ghazal Keshavarzian, Family for Every Child ,

This report from Family for Every Child explores rising concerns about the expansion of foster care services in low and middle income countries, it begins to fill the gap in understanding, and aims to assist in both states’ and NGOs’ decisions on whether to invest in foster care, and in the kinds of supportive services needed to make foster care safe and effective.

Children’s Bureau ,

This factsheet looks at whether States in the US are following best practices in regards to the Indian Child Welfare Act, such as notification of Tribes and placement preferences. Findings from the Reviews are presented.

Memory Jayne Tembo and Siv Oltedal - Journal of Comparative Social Work,

This article discusses professional discretion in relation to placing a child outside the family, as understood by Malawian social workers.