Displaying 721 - 730 of 962
This report offers 18 recommendations across the key themes of employment, housing and mental health, aimed at improving outcomes for young people from less advantaged backgrounds in Scotland.
This study examined the extent to which children and adolescents participated in decisions that affected them at the points of removal and reunification in the child protection process in Spain.
La presente ley tiene por objeto la creación del Programa de Acompañamiento para el Egreso de Adolescentes y Jóvenes sin Cuidados Parentales a fin de garantizar su plena inclusión social y su máximo desarrollo personal y social.
This study examines successful transitions of children from out-of-home care to young adulthood in Korea to draw implications for child welfare practice and policies.
This report presents the findings of research conducted by Child Soldiers International to assess the effectiveness of release, psychosocial recovery and reintegration interventions for girls associated with armed groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Drawing on data from the Wales Adoption Study, this paper examines the prevalence and profiles of care leavers amongst birth parents whose children were placed for adoption.
This paper reports the findings from an Australian study that examined longitudinal data on reasons for entry to care, trajectories in care and patterns of reunification and associated factors.
This paper reports the findings of an Australian study that examined longitudinal data on reasons for entry to care, trajectories in care and patterns of reunification and associated factors.
El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina reunidos en Congreso, etc. sancionan con fuerza de Ley: Programa de Acompañamiento para el Egreso de Jóvenes sin Cuidados Parentales.
The study presented in this article analyzed the life stories of 16 care leavers in Israel.