Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

It is important to support children who are preparing to leave care.  This includes helping young people as they ‘age out’ of the care system and transition to independent living, as well as children planning to return home and reintegrate with their families.  In either case, leaving care should be a gradual and supervised process that involves careful preparation and follow-up support to children and families.

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Kristen Smith & Joanna Wakia ,

Retrak’s technical brief on family reintegration for children living on the streets, acknowledges the difficulties which street children face at home and on the streets. But it also demonstrates that successful family reintegration is possible for street children when there is a focus on the individual child, building positive attachments with care-givers, strengthening families capabilities and involving the wider community.

Save the Children,

This video showcases the Family-based care program of Save the Children and its partners in Indonesia.

Jørgen Carling, Cecilia Menjívar & Leah Schmalzbauer - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,

This article reviews the emerging literature on transnational parenthood, concentrating on six themes: gender, care arrangements, legislation, class, communication and moralities.

TransMonEE (Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity),

TransMonEE is a database that captures a vast range of data on social and economic issues relevant to the situation and wellbeing of children, adolescents and women in 28 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States and the European Union. This document includes inter-country comparisons of data on several issues related to children’s care.

Elisabeth Roeber ,

Documenting the young people‘s own views of what has happened during the time of leaving care and afterwards, this study explores in-depth the experiences of care leavers during the dynamic phase following their separation from an institutional care setting.

Department for Education,

This Charter lists the promises that care leavers want the central and local governments to make. The Charter for Care Leavers is designed to raise expectations, aspirations and understanding of what care leavers need and what the government and local authorities should do to be good “Corporate Parents.”

Robert B. Mccall, Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn, Femmie Juffer, Christina J. Groark, and Victor K. Groza - Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,

This monograph reviews literature pertaining to children without permanent parents.

Marie Berlina, Bo Vinnerljunga, Anders Hjernd - Children and Youth Services Review Volume 33, Issue 12 - Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood,

This article, from the Children and Youth Services Review special issue on ‘Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood’ examines the school performance and psychosocial wellbeing of care leavers in Sweden.

Ingrid Höjera, Yvonne Sjöblomb - Children and Youth Services Review Volume 33, Issue 12 - Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood,

Few local authorities had elaborated programmes or routines for care leaving. Many small municipalities had few young people in care, which made it difficult to organise elaborated programmes for care leaving. Manager’s expected a rapid and linear transition to adulthood. Little awareness of the yo-yo transition pattern common for other young people. Managers were worried that continued contact with social services would lead to young people being dependant on support. Only 6% of managers had any information of young people’s whereabouts, once they had left care.

Elisabeth Franssona, Jan Storøb ,

The aim of this article is two-fold. Firstly, to present a critical discursive analysis of young people's accounts of themselves in the transition from care. Secondly, to shed light on three different ways of making the transition from care; transition through a break with the past after moving out, transition through continuing change and transition as a way of dealing with the risk of further problems in their lives.