Child Care and Protection System Reforms

Social welfare sector reform is increasingly common, particularly in transitional countries in Central and Eastern Europe.  Increasing attention has been paid to the development of preventive community based child and family welfare programs that would, in coordination with health and education programs and social assistance, provide a range of support for vulnerable families.   

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This report argues that a failure to provide proper care and protection for children is hindering progress in the achievement of many of the MDGs.

DFID Civil Society Organisations Child Rights Working Group ,

The evidence presented in this paper shows that insufficient attention paid to equity across and within generations has devastating impacts for the achievement of the MDGs and for the wellbeing of children now and in the future.

Overseas Development Institute ,

This briefing paper draws on ODI’s research on social protection and gender in eight countries and three regions funded by DFID and AusAID and discusses how social protection interventions can promote an inter¬linked gender-sensitive approach to the MDGs.

Family Health International ,

Findings and recommendations of the first national study of its kind in Ethiopia to study child care institutions, institutionalized children, and factors driving institutionalization.

M. Norberg, A. Sahlback; Contributions from L. Fox and R. Gotestam for UNICEF,

This folder contains guidance and planning and assessment tools to implement reform of national social care financing from institutionalized care to a family and community-based framework.

Linda Richter,

Presentation by Linda Richter at the CCABA & IAS for the Meeting on Children and Especially Marginalized Populations on the 10-11th February 2010 in Geneva.

European Commission Daphne Programme, WHO Regional Office, University of Birmingham,

Comprehensive manual on the theory and process of deinstitutionalization based on the experiences of childcare professionals across the European region.

The Mockingbird Society,

From preventative strategies to transitional and permanency solutions, the Mockingbird Family Model (MFM) offers a comprehensive support structure for families and children across the continuum of the child welfare experience. This resource briefly describes the MFM and its current activities. 

Eurochild Secretariat,

In 2009 Eurochild carried out a survey of the situation of children in alternative care in Europe through its member organisations. The survey was not intended as a scientifically rigorous research exercise but rather to identify what information is readily available and to note some common trends across Europe.

International Labor Organization ,

This report from the International Labor Organization is the first in a series of the World Social Security Reports whose chief aim is to present the results of regular statistical monitoring of the state and developments of social security in the world. It presents the knowledge available on coverage by social security in different parts of the world and identifies existing coverage gaps. It also examines the scale of countries’ investments in social security, measured by the size and structure of social security expenditure and the sources of its financing.