“Why financial resources? Why should we be interested in this aspect when we enter institutions, when we are in a hurry, the priority is to intervene, to support the child, to reintegrate him, to return him home.”
Daniela Mamaliga, Director of Partnerships for Every Child, presents the findings and conclusions of a comprehensive 2022 financial assessment conducted by CTWWC in six residential institutions. The financial assessments aimed to inform political decisions on the future of the six institutions, including their transformation/reorganization plans. Ms. Mamaliga highlights that though the average annual cost for caring for a child is increasing in all six institutions, even as number of children and staff is decreasing in some of them. She points out that in some institutions the cost of caring for a child has increased by more than 50% or even doubled. Ms. Mamaliga concludes her presentation with a call for action addressed to public authorities, including the need to finalize the deinstitutionalization process, to reallocate resources from residential institutions to community-based prevention and support services and family-type alternative care services, to strengthen inter-sectoral cooperation and develop integrated services for children, including inter-budgetary financing mechanisms.